The spatial planning maps of Estonia left out fish and all other activities to claim exclusive use of the Livonian sea. Responsible is the maker also owner of the Saaremaa Windmills park. Responsible for Baltic rail planning and a lot of not open research(see other posts who has too many different hats on). Just try to fiend a seal or a fish egg here and see yourself how many protected zones other Baltic states have.
Why Only 6 EU countries met the deadline for the submission of the final Maritime Spatial Plans? Others will need to ensure that their Plans are aligned and allow for the development of offshore wind. Cheating the planning is a corruption. Estonia
The EU is aware of this corruption and the articles pointing to the implementation of the known EU laws are at the beginning of the EU Baltic States Agreement.,
I Quote: Art. 1. “RECALLING with serious concern the situation of the Baltic Sea marine environment” and Art. 2 “EXPRESS concern ..” and Art. 3. “RESTATING our commitment to full implementation of the relevant European legislation” etc. This is a sound basis to block all funding for Baltic Rail and Windmill parks.
Also Parishes accuse Estonain Energy are accused of cheating with the KMH procedures by all parishes, shows this letter where the Parish gives back the KMH to the state. (April/2021)
The plot is larger. The windmill park plans are based on your FAKE Science bypasses policies like Politics MUST be based on open science, people can check.
The maps are based on science too. Special people count the fish in Europe. The problem is that Estonia has NO open science, Tartu University tells herself here: Therefore most scientist are payed by Estonina Energy (a state company). Their contract tell that their reserch is hidden when EE wants! Au! The fine is 100.000 for this scientist if he speaks out. His research was just too good. The fish eggs died of vibrations, cused by windmills. No eggs, no fish, no seals. Estonia has closed science.
The mapmaker runs the Science group also. See the other post and who pays who. The windmills industry does NOT work according EU norms.
The legal case on Saarema & Häädemeeste and the is the same as on Hiiumaa best legal experts assured us. Even Baltic Rail in Häädemeeste can be stoped the same way. The same actors with the same tricks & mistakes.
The Estonian government could try to push through theese plans. Make a national priority/emergency out of it. That comes with a few risks, we explain.
Estonia risk loosing the grants. That’s easy done. EU loves not to pay. They even help to look for fraud. But that’s always afterwards. EU love Estonia to start building windmill parks and then not having to pay for it. The carrot & stick story.
The case can also end up before the EU court. Following ALL the EU rules like these EU guidelines is hard.
Economics and politics.
People at Estonain Energy does not care what becomes of the project, just take the money for now. All parks they resell. Then you do not believe in windenergy for sure!
The Russians like to pay a to get their Livonian sea back. Love to mess-up, make Estonia Russian Energy dependent. Imagine they can switch off Estonia whenever they want.
Economic logic of windmills in Estonia is simple and very bad. The wind in Estonina is 1/7 th of that in west EU. No profit, never! Cables cost 25mio/km and are not there. Maintenance cost are high, because in the windy winter the Baltic sea is frozen and only flying Tesla’s can do the job.
Summery and update!
We substantiate their is NO valid legal or economic case.
EE starts to cry as an argument.
Estonian Energy comes now with the weak argument that Lithuania is stealing their toy in this newspaper article.
It’s bad to talk down another Baltic state. Maybe one day create a super Baltic one day with Belarus or have an defense issue. We need connections through Lithuania always. Probably they have better plans. EE work is based on getting the deal done by cheating everyone or talk them down.
The windmill park on in the article is shrinking. Here is the REAL map based (nicely made by M.L. Kasvandik) on EE planning requests of April 2021 to several Parishes. The parish did send back all the KMH requests because, it was a windmill request bingo. Here is the letter of those Parishes around the Livonian sea to Kaja Kallas.
May 13th 15.00 there is an ONLINE KMH On the Saaremaa windmill park. Then all can chop off more!
We like to stop the windmills, but offer great sustainable plans for the Livonian sea too, please read.
We do a lot of hard work. Consider a donation. Volenteer work is welcome too. Just mail or call: This nightmare for the locals and fisherman ends faster with your help.
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