2023-2: Hämmastav, et ükski valimispartei ei räägi roheinflatsioonist! See tapab meid tõesti! Aastaga jäime juba 25% vaesemaks. Inflatsioon on täielikult seotud Eesti enda halvasti läbi mõeldud roheenergia poliitikaga. Sellega aitame Putinit ja uued lahendused võtavad aastakümneid. Eesti tahab rajada isegi 9 GW uusi võimsusi, mis on meie enda vajadustest mitu korda enam. Suur risk.
Tõestame ja võitleme meretuuletööstuse korrumpeerunud kaasuste vastu. Juhtumeid käsitleme 2023 aasta valimistel ja kohtus. Korruptsioon õõnestab demokraatiat, loodust ja meie majandust. Peatage Vene vara meie meres!
30 Years ago Angela Merkel German bet was on Russian gas and the Chineese for the rest.
It’s the German/EU big mistake. It brought us war & poor. (Never follow the Germans, history learns us.)
The German metal industry is stopped production of metals for windfarms to save energy.
Now the EU must buy windfarm metals in China now with tripple the prices.
People pay the green bill with greenflation and sponsor the war.
The energy business caught the global energy war.
The first stage, in the early 2010s, was characterised by indifference.
The second phase, in the past few years, has involved setting idealistic emissions-cutting targets far in the future that cost little today.
In 2022 the third stage of the journey will get under way, amid dangerously volatile energy prices, fears of greenflation and rising geopolitical risks. It will require realism about the task ahead. In 2021 the world was awash in easy promises. Some 70 countries, accounting for two-thirds of global carbon emissions, had net-zero targets, to be met by mid-century. A majority of people in the rich world, including America, expressed concern about climate change.
Companies were making ambitious carbon-neutral pledges, too—especially those that didn’t emit much in the first place. A boom in green-tech venture capital suggested that funds were being reallocated at scale. And sustainable investing became one of the biggest trends in finance since subprime debt.
FULL text: Economist: https://www.economist.com/the-world-ahead/2021/11/08/energy-investment-needs-to-increase-so-bills-and-taxes-must-rise