China may use blockchain in nation’s green power trading pilot plan as transactions kick off
China has launched a pilot trading scheme for renewable electricity to allow carbon dioxide emitters to partly offset their footprint through direct purchases of green power from generator.
Trading energy is according free market principles. China does. Europe does NOT!
Solar and wind power output’s intermittency means absorbing more of the green power will result in higher operating costs that are compensated by a trading scheme. Through the direct trading, consumers willing to shoulder more social responsibility will be able to use the market-based method to better reflect the environmental value of green power, and financially support its producers.
The Chineese scheme will be led by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), besides the dominant power distributors State Grid Corporation of China and China Southern Power Grid.
Estonia is EU forefront ICT player. Unfortunate Europe is late and Estonia misses the opportunity to host the emission action. Here small Estonia could contribute to the EU.
What is a demand and supply driven free market China builds. (not EU)
Estonians have their lessons learned that Soviet style 5 year plans of pushing goods to people does not work. In Estonia windfarms are a SUPPLY driven push from the government. Here it goes wrong. Pushing new energy to the people does not work. Pushing plans harms the democracy and the economy we show.
The new EU green is the old red!
Therefore the Estonian constitution has article 5, demanding healthy economic choices. All healthy economics starts with demand of the people. The ROOT cause of Estonian energy (Estonian. enemy) is that the full state company is not working economical or democratic we show and the court proves. See below. See our other posts that are all about undemocratic and uneconomic planning. We are not even against wind farms, but they are just on the wrong place. The users are in the big cities. They just come to remote parishes to violate planning rules, bribe people. We show.
The Chinese system does create an DEMAND driven energy price that is green responsible. An example for the wets, sadly!
The Estonian Supreme Court on august 2018. The Hiiumaa case.
NGOcaused that there is no legal basis for establishing a Northwestern Estonian coastal waters wind farm. We explain how it went and how we can repeat this case. We have the facts. Law is on our side. New EU law on our side is introduced also.
After the MSP on Hiiumaa was adopted on 20 June 2016, opponents of the plan filed an appeal at the administrative court because of the visual impact of the turbines and the potential impact they could have on nature around the island. The governor, however, endorsed the maritime spatial plan, determining the areas selected as suitable for offshore wind farming. The plan contains several images of what the offshore wind farms would look like from different vantage points on Hiiumaa island.
Once the plan was endorsed, Hiiu municipal council began to implement it. In 2017 it approved a cooperation agreement with Nelja Energia and Hiiumaa Offshore Tuulepark to build a wind farm of 100 to 160 wind turbines with an aggregate capacity of 700 to 1,100 megawatts. The company, financed by investors from other EU countries, committed itself to contributing to the development of the island, its economy and energy security. The most important aspect was that the wind farm would only have a minimal visual footprint and that no turbines would be put up closer than 12 kilometres from the island and on Neupokoyev Bank. The visual footprint would additionally be kept under control by using only submerged and underground cables. Regardless of whether the wind farm was connected to the grid via Hiiumaa or by a link to mainland Estonia, the developer was committed to establishing a loop connection with Hiiumaa.
However, a group of protesters did not stop after the first ruling of the administrative court and after the plan of the developers was put forward. The opponents filed a complaint at the appellate court in Tallinn. The case came before the court on 30 October 2017, providing the opponents with an opportunity for presenting their arguments. At that time the court ruled that the offshore wind farm development could not be blocked. In addition, the appellate court decided that some of the opponents did not have the right to challenge the spatial plan in court.
Compensation was arranged. But NGO Hiiu Tuul continued to go to court. A great example!
There is nothing to settle or to compensate if not all parties agree!
Protesters filed a complaint to the Estonian (highest) National Court. Eventually, on 8 August 2018, the National Court determined that the offshore wind farm designations should be removed from the Hiiu MSP. This means that the MSP is still valid, however without the offshore wind farm designations. Therefore, it is currently unclear whether the proposed offshore wind farms will ever be built around the island.
The case is still very relevant, this ruling shows.