The whole windmill is based on the Estonian Energy OWN wind measurements. Problem is that Estonian Energy ONLY measured the wind in the most windy autumn 3 months.
We also saw that Bird expert Mati Kose is paid by Estonian Energy too. his research is now made secret by Estonian Energy last work was on the vibration disturbing killing fish eggs and the migration corridor bird radar on Kihnu. We need to rely on foreign experts. Science has been compromised.
Kaur Lass was the Häädemeeste invited speaker paid by Estonian Energy and according his own website specialized in Brainwashing. ( He is partial and told that Pärnu plan does not include enough windmills. It’s also interesting that he tells that planning in Estonian democracy is not working here:
Good faith of Estonian Energy is in doubt and we ask the court to switch the load of evidence. It’s not us anymore that must prove that windmills harm. It’s Estonian Energy that must prove that windmills do not harm! That’s the right legal way to punish those who cheat democracy and law. Please donate so we can fight for what’s right. What if all decisions in Estonia are manipulated this way?
In any case the North shore is twice as windy, but the bosses that live in Tallinn believe the never get a windmill park in their back-garden. The seek weak resistance area’s like ours. We will show them that’s a mistake. Please donate and support our research by sharing.