Estonia windfarms Cancelled:
Baltic Blue – Area E – phase I Baltic Sea Cancelled
Lake Peipus Cancelled
Danmark Baltic canceled:
Gedser Rev Baltic Sea
Kriegers Flak III Baltic Sea
Kattegat I – Screened Area For Future Offshore Wind Project Kattegat
Læsø Kattegat
Bornholm (Nearshore Tender Area) Baltic Sea
Frederikshavn – Screened Area For Future Offshore Wind Project Kattegat
Rønne Bakke Baltic Sea
Bornholm III – Screened Area For Future Offshore Wind Project Baltic Sea
Grenaa Havn Kattegat
Finland Canceleed windfarms:
Kristiinankaupungin edustan merituulivoimapuisto Gulf of Bothnia
Kokkolan merituulivoimapuiston – Innopower Gulf of Bothnia
Kokkolan merituulivoimapuiston – Mervento Gulf of Bothnia
Oulun Haukiputaan merituulipuisto Gulf of Bothnia
Suurhiekka Gulf of Bothnia
Pitkämatalaan Gulf of Bothnia
Maakrunnin Gulf of Bothnia
Latvia Canceleed windfarms:
Development Interest Site 4 Baltic Sea
Development Interest Site 3 Baltic Sea
Development Interest Site 5 Baltic Sea
Development Interest Site 2 Baltic Sea
Development Interest Site 1 Baltic Sea
Hundreds of GERMAN and other NORTH SEA parks were canceled recently.
ALL parks are below in a concept stage
except for Liivi Laht & Hiiumaa (Early Planning stage). Neugrund OÜ is near Hiiumaa, 3 km off the coast. Area12.61 km2 Consent Application Submitted.
Hiiumaa Owner: Enefit Green (formerly Nelja Energia AS)
Lake Peipus Owner: Eesti Energia AS READ MORE
Neugrund Owner: Neugrund OÜ READ MORE
Liivi Laht Owner: Eesti Energia AS ,Ørsted A/S (formerly DONG Energy AS)
Baltic Blue – Area E – Phase I Owner: Baltic Blue Energy OÜ
Baltic Blue – Area D – Phase II Owner: Baltic Blue Energy OÜ
Baltic Blue – Area C – Phase II Owner: Baltic Blue Energy OÜ
Baltic Blue – Area B – Phase III Owner: Baltic Blue Energy OÜ
Baltic Blue – Area A – Phase III Owner: Baltic Blue Energy OÜ
Saare Owner: Saare Wind Energy OÜ,Van Oord NV
Tuuletraal Owner: Tuuletraal OÜ
Nasva Owner: Five Wind Energy OÜ
Sunly SW1 Owner: Sunly OÜ
Sunly SW2 Owner:
Sunly SW3 Owner:
Sunly SW4 Owner:
Saare Liivi 1 Owner: OÜ Utilitas
Saare Liivi 2 Owner: OÜ Utilitas
Saare Liivi 3 Owner: OÜ Utilitas
Saare Liivi 4 Owner: OÜ Utilitas
Sõrve Owner: OÜ Utilitas
Sõrve 2 Owner: OÜ Utilitas
SW5 Owner: Sunly OÜ
SW6 Owner: Sunly OÜ
SW7 Owner: Sunly OÜ
SW8 Owner: Sunly OÜ
SW9 Owner: Sunly OÜ
SW10 Owner: Sunly OÜ
Roheline Elekter Owner: Roheline Elekter
Uttilias Owner: OÜ Utilitas
Area 2 (Eesti Energia) Owner: Eesti Energia AS
Ohaka Energia OÜ Owner: Ohaka Energia OÜ
X-border Latvia: 22 Apr 2021: Orsted and Enefit establish an OU with the intention of delivering large-scale offshore wind in the Baltics. This includes competing in the Estonian-Latvian tender, subject to a regulatory framework being put in place.
Windmill farms ALWAYS come with cables and heavy industry, because energy companies build 7 times the need of Estoninan people. There is no demand for energy. Subsidations drive the windmill maddness. Cables are verly long and expnsive, often exceeding the price of the windfarm. To cut coast swallow water like Liivi Laht is prefered.
Estonia mainland – Muhu 110 kV Tusti – Rouste Estonia/ Estonia Type HVAC
Estonia mainland – Muhu 110 kV Virtsu – Rouste Estonia/ Estonia Type HVAC 100 MW
Estonia mainland – Muhu 35 kV Tusti – Rouste Estonia/ Estonia Type HVAC
Estonia mainland – Muhu 35 kV Virtsu Rouste Estonia/ Estonia Type HVAC
Estonia Finland (EstLink 3)
The big global picture. In the EU ALL wind farms GOT STUCK!
2231 global offshore wind speeds, in over 1 country. Here you can find information on all the windspeeds from across the globe, whether they are Consent Application Submitted (38), Concept/Early Planning (598), Under Construction (79), Cancelled (550), Partial Generation/Under Construction (28), Fully Commissioned (216), Development Zone (267), Consent Authorised (99), Dormant (223), Pre-Construction (31), Failed Proposal (66), or Decommissioned (36).
Understanding Windmill farms.
Windfarms ALWAYS come with cables and heavy industry, because energy companies build 7 times the needs of Estonian people. There is no demand for energy. Subsidations drive the windmill madness. Cables are very long and expensive, often exceeding the price of the wind farm. To cut coast swallow water like Liivi Laht is preferred.
Windfarms need an economic healthy picture to get paid for. That’s hard when there is less wind. Of all the wind parks Estonian parks belong to the 1/5 least wind energy locations. Sea Ice is not examined, but a major cost factor/risk. Long cables cost the price of the wind farm. Another risk is that there is NO DEMAND, users need to be created, like Hydrogen farms or aluminum melting industry (needed for the windmills). Estonia already produces more energy than needed, Art 5. of the constitution tells to handle the economy. The EU spirit is demand-driven. The risks are connected because of the complexity.
People want to use the land-sea and forest. Windmills are exclusive and harm fishing/tourism.
EU law supersedes national law. There is no shortcut to bypass environmental procedures.
They need support for a permit. They need a legally correct application.
These facts show that EU wind farms successes are a myth!
People must just give them some hits, protest. Then they go. Join us!
Even with a ONE line message. How far democracy has come!