Käesolev Euroopa Liidu konsultatsioon (ARES 3163780) käsitleb energiamogulite poolt põhjustatud blokaadi Jaagupi Sadamale. See keskkonnaökonoomika teema on edastatud kõikidele Euroopa Liidu parlamendiliikmetele. Kahju, et Eesti ise pole olnud suuteline seda omal jõul lahendama.
EU consultation ARES 3163780 on Environmental economics. 07-SEPT 2022.
Dear members of the consultation Commission,
The issue.
In Estonia there is not a strong enough mechanism to implement enforce the rules proposed. Even the EU and governmental leadership is aware and actively ignores facts&rules proposed here. Consistency with other EU policies is missing. Regulatory doesn’t fit local realities for long resulting in the opposite of rule simplification. People reject the government in last local elections and will do again next spring ’23 Estonian elections. The result is a rejection of the EU policies. Estonians enjoyed highest EU inflation & an impossible energy bill rise that undermines this Russian border state.
Facts and the problem.
In a Statement & online video by President von der Leyen at the Baltic Sea Summit (Copenhagen, 30 August 2022,) praised and subsidized the Livonian bay with a sea cable. https://youtu.be/2UF3LeNuTgY?t=571
The Elwind cable connects a partly Russian owned wind-farm. Estonian national sea planning was canceled twice due to basic shortages (no seal or bird counted) and pushed trough as special planning.
People and all writings and arguments are ignored. Fishermen who stand up this wrong find their harbors closed to give the sea exclusives to energy oligarchs.
Estonian wind-farm projects bypass most EU environmental guidelines and rules. An half year ago the maritime sea planning was approved after being canceled twice in 2 years. Russian linked energy oligarchs rule fishing harbors are blocked, Seals and birds not even counted. Mass energy projects in the 10.000 km2 Livonian bay the size of the “Wattenmeer”. Same pristine nature. No rules applied! No international acknowledged research is done. EU is well aware: We ask the EC to act on your Infringement decisions calling on Estonia to bring its national legislation in line with the EU Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC) and the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive (Directive 2001/42/EC) (9 June 2021/inf_21_2743) Non acting EU harms nature, democracy and all EU stands for to sell uneconomic EU promoted policies. Local parishes voted out all pro-EU parties and next national election the already 50/50 government will fall and Estonians will get their nature back. The green driven inflation of 25% in Estonia lets all people burn their forests. Please, let EU be reasonable & friendly and stop this green environmental corruption you are aware of your own infringement decisions. We ask you to act on your infringement decision now. We ask you to protect our fishing industry & tourism that stabilizes our nation. We manage with that. We ask you to respect our young nation. We ask your commission to punish the EU profiteers directly. State aid violations (https://ec.europa.eu/competition-policy/state-aid/legislation_en) & stock exchange laws show aid & stock-profit are based upon hijacked wind-farm sea planning your commission disproves.
We brought our messages extensively. https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/better-regulation/have-your-say/initiatives/13365-European-Environment-Agency-2017-2021-performance-evaluation/F3263181_en
And https://www.tuuleenergia.online/12-04-2022-eu-contribution-eu-call-for-evidence-energy-consultation-public-registration/
The EU energy policy is just as out of touch & mingled with the Russian oligarchs behaviour.
Yours sincerely,
J. Kask
Jaagupi fishery harbor NGO.
Nobel Prize winner Milton Friedman“Inflation is the only form of tax that can taken without asking the people&parliament”
UPDATE7.9.22 EestiEkspress:”Mina ei näe 21. sajandi Euroopa poliitikas säravaid staare”
EestiEkspress:”Mina ei näe 21. sajandi Euroopa poliitikas säravaid staare”
“Oleg Ossinovski ettevõtted toodavad elektrit, peab suurettevõtja energiafirmade praeguseid ülikasumeid häbiväärseteks ja soovitab Euroopal kehtestada nii gaasile kui naftale piirhind.”
Riigiettevõte(EestiEnergia): Sest Looduslikud monopolid, kui valitsus soovib nõuda kasutustasusid. (Wiki)