Why you do this?
The Parish&Estonia is a runaway place now! We die out soon. Long before climate change we are gone.
More people go then come. We die out. No one there to take care left. Politics get corrupted. Corruption hurts, makes poor and hits all one day. We got to fight to stay or runaway too. Please don’t vote with your feet!
Why you do this?
The windmills are just in the wrong place. The must be out in the sea where they cannot harm. The must be there where the users&winds is: Tallinn. That’s not nimby, it’s economics.
Why you do this?
For the birds,Fish&frogs(not Enefit Green)
Why you do this?
If you think you know better and are not in politics, you are ruled by your inferiors.
Why you do this?
Hate things that do not pay for themselves. Learned from the Russians that once F* up here. Not again that dumb thinking! Look: Wind-farms are subsidised. So, no profit. Copy windmills form the more windy west to icy east is a bad untested plan. (ice,low winds,cleanup,long cables, maintenance left out of the plans). Isn’t that sick.
Why you do this?
Enefit Green lies & cheat every question we asked. We are on the right track finding the animal we like to kill. We are not killing mills, but cheaters.
Why you do this?
We love science. Enefit Green not. So, we do that.
Why you do this?
We love democracy. Enefit Green not. So, we keep democracy alive.
Why you do this?
It’s 4 the good. Brings good friends. Those who take responsibility for themselves and others. That rely feels good. Try or die alone&unknown.
Why you do this?
If you say nothing good, you are nothing good.
Why you do this?
For the birds,Fish&frogs(not Enefit Green)