Sand mining activities for the Baltic Cargo Rail destroy large peatlands and forests. On the invitation of Karel Tölp, Head of Haademeeste parish, many sanding-digging permissions are pending. A few are already given. Some concessions are as big as Lake Viljandi. Around a sandpit, you can expect 12 sand trucks an hour was told at the Massiaru KMH. Destroying lives, tourism income, and water levels for nature and agriculture. The fee Karel gets and likes for each mining concession is only around 100.000 Euro. The roads are not made for that and need repair after.
A dozen of sand mining permits are pending just before the new Estonian National Forest Program, until 2030. Karel remarked to change the purpose of the parish to a permanent forest felling and sandpit region must be made here. Karel is in a hurry, before the new law.
EU explains the release of C02 by drying the land equivalent to 1 Mio cars for 1 km2 peat-land. This lets Estonia miss the climate goals. The EU Copernicus satellite ground radar shows the water level and also the forest felling. The government proposes a law to hide RMK fillings. The Estonian government behaves as badly as the Polish Government the EU warned: Estonia needs such a warning too.
The Court recently ruled 2020 that there was an illegal 27 Hectare coastal pine dune forest felt in the Parish. The EU Bratislava Ministerial Declaration April 2021 states. At IX. Effective measures are taken at regional, sub-regional, and national levels to eliminate illegal logging and associated trade in Europe and worldwide.
A dozen natura2000 parks are threatened. Most sandpits are for the planned 8 meters high Cargo Baltic Railroad dike that blocks the rivers too. Locals know that the Via Baltica was a total ecological disaster, blocking the river flows of water to the sea, raising the level of the road by meters. Cutting also the fish egg breeding area for the 10.000 km2 Livonian bay. Elsewhere in the EU, such disasters are restored, but in Estonia, they put another disaster on top. The EU is clear. EU Wants protecting, preserving and restoring biodiversity, and enhancing natural capital (notably air, water, soil, and forest, freshwater, wetland, and marine ecosystems)
Karel Tölp Head of Häädemeeste parish Karel T. also sees Laws of Nature protection as a treat on this signed OHUD riigipoolsete uute piirangute kehtestamine, eriti loodus-kaitses. The government law can never be a threat! This document was already signed by the parish before discussed with the public as required by law. Please do read, it’s full of mistakes. Comments can be given before June 30th! Please do. Comment and questions on planning meetings get always no or vague answers in this parish.
Democracy is strongly undermined. Partly caused by large EU subsidized industrial construction projects, because the official planning procedures are compromised the EU acknowledged in the first articles of the Baltic Sea agreement 2020. The EU does not act.
Research is the basis for planning and that’s compromised. There is no official Open Access or Open Science policy in Estonia, for example. Many Estonian researchers are under contract of the industry, having a secrecy clause, and are fine when they speak aloud on past research. In this case, fish egg research in vibration by windmills was stopped. Resulting in that all negative external effects are unmeasured. A paradise for EU subsidations without checks and balances. It’s nuts to EU subsidize large projects, where science does not work. “Estonia 2035” development strategy sets out “open Science” as a strategic goal for the state. Read here Until the small parishes are robbed of their natural resources without research proper done. Both Windmill in the Livonian bay and the Baltic Rail are examples of industrial planning fraud.