Danish research shows that living near windmills is a health danger. Doktors near windmills have more patients. Advice their people to leave. In Amsterdam dokters send an emergency letter to the Dutch government. The RIVM recognized. That’s the same institute that handles Covid in NL.
Also the World Health Organization has declared that wind turbine noise is a serious health hazard, now German research gets to the heart of the matter. Delingpole: Wind Turbines Can Harm Heart, Says German Professor Breitbart James Delingpole 1 November 2018 Wind turbines are terrible for the health of the millions of birds and bats.
A professor from Bergen in Norway wrote a famous research article ot SSRN.COM end 2020: Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui University of Bergen, Faculty of Law Date Written: October 29, 2020.
Windmill parks closer than 120 km to people are not accepted in the EU anymore.
Locals are compansated by getting ownership shares in the parks. Estonia is cheap.
The Norwegian top professor names all major windparks and compares them. Nowhere in the EU the windmill parks are planned like in Estonian now. IWindmills also cannot stand on the seafloor, they must float. The sefllor vibration kill marine life. He compared all large windmill parks. What happens in Estonia is exceptional in the EU. Just take a look at the EU windpark map yourself!
Sound at a very low frequency kills. Wind turbines also emit infrasound, which is sound at very low frequencies. Infrasound is sensed in the same way as other sounds and is audible to the human ear if sufficiently strong. When infrasound is audible, it becomes annoying. Where infrasound is inaudible, it does not affect health. The technical definition of infrasound is sound that is lower in frequency than 20 Hz (fewer than 20 cycles per second). New 300 metre high giant windmills produce 1-7 Hz and are at the same level of Sonic and ultrasonic weapons (USW) of various types that use sound to injure, incapacitate, or kill an opponent. Maybe before with the small 50 meter mills it was not a problem but big mills means we get new ultralow dangers. We al know that some sonic weapons are currently in military use. Later I name them. Also Whales make sounds at about 15–20 hertz. the speed of sound is roughly four times greater in water and it kills fish & the eco system. Sperm Whales Are So Loud They Could Potentially “Vibrate” You to Death. The USA FDA is clear – fetal ultrasound baby scans pose risks to your baby. Ultra Long waves can travel over 100 KM and 160 mills in a row add up and need more independent research. At the end the bosses from Tallinn do not want this in their twice as windy Noth shore backgarden!
Estonia believes Ultra sound is Very real and measured by Tartu University. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/08/200824105914.htm Title: Simon P. Gaultier, Anna S. Blomberg, Asko Ijäs, Ville Vasko, Eero J. Vesterinen, Jon E. Brommer, Thomas M. Lilley. Bats and Wind Farms: The Role and Importance of the Baltic Sea Countries in the European Context of Power Transition and Biodiversity Conservation.
Dr Mariana Alves-Pereira was speaking to the Tribune after addressing a seminar on the effects of the turbines on animal and human health. The Portuguese scientist is an expert on infrasound, the energy created by sound which humans cannot hear, and low frequency noise, the sound generated by wind turbines. please take a look at this website for the facts.
The evidence proving the unnecessary damage done to wind farm neighbours by the noise generated by giant industrial wind turbines is mounting by the day: Germany’s Max Planck Institute (global top) has identified sub-audible infra sound as the cause of stress, sleep disruption and more. The new 300 meter high killer mills are NOT included in this research because they are not build jet.
First I use some Wikipedia text to explains how waves work and how to calculate. Then we point real examples and finally we sugest to be carefull and demand more serious research and claim a testbed (not us) is needed.
The larger the turbineblades the lower the frequency. It works this way.The wavelengths of sound frequencies audible to the human ear (20 Hz–20 kHz) are thus between approximately 17 meter and 17 mm, respectively. MCalculated the other way around it means that a 300 meter windmill generates an not audible low weapensgrade shockwaves. Please read Wiki on generating infrasound of 18.9 Hz, 0.3 Hz, and 9 Hz that carries upto 100 km. Most dangerous ultrasonic weapons (USW) use the Extremely Low Frequency, (ELF) 1 Hz to 30 Hz. early 1990s Russia had developed a 10 Hz VLF modulator capable of targeting individuals over hundreds of meters, causing pain, nausea, and vomiting. It was adjustable up to lethal levels. Since at least as far back as 1997, the US DOD has had an interest in creating generators in the infrasonic and ultrasonic ranges of 7 Hz and 20–35 kHz, respectively, which can cause these effects. Certainly infrasound is not fake. In 1972 France was using infrasonic generators which operated at 7 Hz on its civilian population. In1973 the Squawk Box was used by the British Army in Northern Ireland.
Wavetheory is complex science learns us that 160 windmills in a row aimed at us multiplies the danger. You can addup the waves, it’s called interference. 2 point interference is simple to watch, for 160 moving points you need to do a lot more research and a testbed larger then Estonia.
Please keep into account that windmills turn when changes direction/speed, hence you cannot predict where the combined windmill cannon kills. A testbed is needed, please not us and our natural reserve. It’s logic we demand that further research first! People have learned from past experimental technologies, like nuclear, that negative side effects of tech do matter.
Estonian Science has been compromised. Even our local Bird expert Mati Kose is paid by Estonian Energy too. His research is now and his work has been made secret by Estonian Energy. His last work was on the vibration disturbing killing fish eggs by vibration. He also plead to get a migration corridor bird radar on Kihnu. Now we need to rely on foreign experts and valuable data that supposed to be public, by public universities, is lost or compromised. Fact driven science is the bases of the democratic dialog we need to get the best public decisions.
Science has been compromised. Good faith is gone when the energy company pays for science reports and filters. The normal legal punishment for cheating is turning the load of evidence around. Estonian Energy must prove that windmills do not harm. We regret we probably need to bring these case to court. The democratic dialog is compromised. Please donate, because it’s terrible if our democracy does not function properly. What if science in other fields, like legal itsef, are also compromised?!
It is not the local people task to do this kind of advanced research. Please donate, so we can bring this case to the court. This is great for our young Estonia. We do not want to get robbed and cheated by a Russian co-owned Estonian Energy daughter company. What if all Estonian decisions are based on compromised science? Au!
Estonian Energy plays games with our democracy. Kaur Lass was the Häädemeeste invited speaker paid by Estonian Energy and according his own website specialized in Brainwashing. Isn’t is sick? (https://www.linkedin.com/company/wellnessorbit). He is realy partial and told that Pärnu plan does not include enough windmills. He tells that planning in Estonian democracy is not working here. https://www.aripaev.ee/arvamused/2019/10/10/kaur-lass-allakaigu-spiraal-mida-ettevotjad-ei-teadvusta If democracy does not work, the only solution is MORE democracy. Guess we probably need to go and sing on the streets again to get common sense.
For proper research a test windmill park using 300 metre high mills (160 pieces) somewhere else(!) is needed. We demand this first before we can start any windmill park discussion at all. People should not play with ultra sound, just like we do not play with radiation. This research cannot be done in Estonia, because Estonian Energy corrupts scientists by paying them and Estonia is to small for the long wavelength. No one likes to be a human test animal. Please do not abuse and scare us.
New science june 2023 proofs infrasounds harms both humans and animals.
The ILFN debate continues. In the June 2023 issue of Journal of Biosciences and Medicines (Vol. 11; No. 6), “Impairment of the Endothelium and Disorder of Microcirculation in Humans and Animals Exposed to Infrasound due to Irregular Mechano-Transduction,” Ursula Maria Bellut-Staeck presented an important hypothesis for the mainstream to debate (not ignore). The Abstract and Conclusion follow.
The microcirculation of mammals is an autoregulated and complex synchronised system according to the current demand for nutrients and oxygen. The undisturbed course of vital functions such as of growth, blood pressure regulation, inflammatory sequence and embryogenesis is bound to endothelial integrity. The sensible vasomotion is particularly dependent on it.
Mechano-transduction signalling networks play a critical role in vital cellular processes and are the decisive physiological mechanism for an adequate NO-release, main responsible for the autoregulation of vessels. Disturbed endothelial integrity, originating, e.g., from chronic oxidative stress and/or mechanic (oscillatory) stress, leads to disturbance of vasomotion as well as a disequilibrium of redox systems, recognized as main cause for the development of chronic inflammation diseases such as atherosclerosis and corresponding secondary illnesses, possibly cancer.
The endothelial cytoskeleton, which corresponds to a viscoelastic “tensegrity model”, offers the possibility for mechano-transduction via its special construction. The rapidly growing knowledge about mechanical forces in cellular sensing and regulation of the last years (that culminated in the Nobel Prize award for the decoding of pressure/vibration sensing ion channels), led us to the following hypothesis: The extern stressor “Noise” produces under certain conditions an oscillatory stress field in the physiologically laminar flow bed of capillaries, which is able to lead to irregular mechano-transductions. Findings provide a strict dependence on frequency in mechano-transduction with determination of thresholds for a 1:1 transmission.
The knowledge, recently gained on endothelial mechano-transduction, sheds a new light on the importance of low frequencies. This could indicate the long-sought pathophysiological way in which infrasound can exert a stressor effect at the cellular level. Noise-exposed citizens, who live near infrastructures such as a biogas installation, heat pumps, block-type thermal power stations and bigger industrial wind turbines (IWT’s), show worldwide mainly a symptomatology associated with microcirculatory disorder. Conceivable are also effects on insects or fishes, since the piezo-channels are recognised as conserved structures of all multicellular organism.
An experimental design is proposed to demonstrate the direct pathological influence of infrasound of defined strength, frequency, effect/time profile and duration on the sensitive vasomotion.
For the first time, the symptomatology of chronically infrasound exposed humans and animals can be classified pathophysiologically in a coherent hypothesis. This was made possible by the progress in knowledge of endothelial mechano-transduction, essential as vascular function of vital character in response to mechanical forces. Crucial cellular processes such as growth, differentiation, migration, angiogenesis, redox homeostasis and inflammation, are simultaneously dependent on mechanical forces and the integrity of the endothelium.
Normally, the flow in the mammalian microcirculation is laminar and not variable. This is achieved by the upstream connection of the resistance vessels in the arterioles. Persistent changes in shear stress patterns, particularly oscillatory flow, have been associated with decreased bioavailability of NO, an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS), higher lipoprotein oxidation rates, increased endothelial apoptosis, pro-atherogenicity, chronic inflammation and possible development of cancer.
We have positive evidence for our hypothesis that a chronically acting oscillating stressor with certain conditions in frequency, time/effect profile, sound pressure and duration might induce an oscillatory stress field and therefore trigger a stress reaction on the cellular level. With the crucial basics of mechano-transduction, there is now a strong evidence with obvious indicators for a possible interaction of infrasound, especially with deep frequencies and impulsive character, as have, e.g., IWT’s or heat pumps. The elucidation for the strong dependency on mechano-transduction from the frequency of “Noise” and the identification of actin filaments and microtubules as “low-pass filters”, support our hypothesis.
In this way, the propagation of sound wave in the viscoelastic organism could become a decodable information. Regeneration, as would occur with a one-time or infrequent exposure, could not take place with chronic impact. Initially functional disturbances of the orchestrated vasomotor system, respectively of sensible vasomotion,can be expected,with longer exposure fixed anatomically recognisable pathological damages in endothelial integrity. Important in this context are the structural changes that tend to be self-reinforcing, as described in the example of remodelling of the heart.
By probably elucidating the pathophysiological pathway of how infrasound/IFLN could lead to the main health disorders, it will be possible to make steps forward in defining safe distances for living or working with emitting technical installations. Many scientific questions remain to be answered, but there is sufficient evidence to suggest that, as precautionary measurements, further technologies, involving very low frequencies and/or impulsive emissions with potential impact on living organisms, should be limited or better avoided until all issues are scientifically resolved. The possible effects on insects, which have not been clarified yet, could be of great importance, e.g., for the biodiversity and for co-affection of pollinators and thus nutrition.
The decoding of the PIEZO-1-channels should have already alerted public to the potential risks. Inner organs are sensitive for sound and vibration. The current state of knowledge on mechano-transduction together with known oscillatory and oxidative stress effects, point in the direction of our hypothesis and should be reason for urgent precautionary actions and further research.
EU law tells that windmils cannot Harm people.
Euroopa Liidu Kohus PRESSITEADE nr 77/20 Luxembourg, 25. juuni 2020 Kohtuotsus (kohtuasi C-24/19) https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/upload/docs/application/pdf/2020-06/cp200077et.pdf
Euroopa Liidu õigust on rikutud. Tuulepargi kehtiva loa saamiseks või säilitamiseks on ELi seaduse kohaselt vaja teha uusi väliuuringuid. Pädev asutus peab kehtestama standardid igale KMH-le. Standardid peavad olema konkreetse KMH jaoks nõuetekohaselt põhjendatud. Iga konkreetse tuulepargi jaoks on vaja tegelikke mõõtmisi ja tegelikke uuringuid. Lihtsas keeles selgitatakse, et Euroopa Liidu Kohus (ELK) seisab avatud uuringute ja katsete eest enne mere ja maa kasutamise lubamist.
EU law tells that windmils cannot Harm people.
Euroopa Liidu Kohus PRESSITEADE nr 77/20 Luxembourg, 25. juuni 2020 Kohtuotsus (kohtuasi C-24/19) https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/upload/docs/application/pdf/2020-06/cp200077et.pdf
Euroopa Liidu õigust on rikutud. Tuulepargi kehtiva loa saamiseks või säilitamiseks on ELi seaduse kohaselt vaja teha uusi väliuuringuid. Pädev asutus peab kehtestama standardid igale KMH-le. Standardid peavad olema konkreetse KMH jaoks nõuetekohaselt põhjendatud. Iga konkreetse tuulepargi jaoks on vaja tegelikke mõõtmisi ja tegelikke uuringuid. Lihtsas keeles selgitatakse, et Euroopa Liidu Kohus (ELK) seisab avatud uuringute ja katsete eest enne mere ja maa kasutamise lubamist.
Windfarm ordered to close in France
Residents in the immediate surrounding area have long complained about the noise from the windfarm!
13 December 2023
Campaign groups successfully argued that the turbines were causing harm to birds and residents.
A windfarm in southern France has been ordered to close due to noise complaints from residents and the effect it is having on birds, in the first closure of its kind in the country.
The managing company of the site – Énergie Renouvelable du Languedoc (ERL), a subsidiary of the German group EnW – now has 15 months to dismantle the turbines and close the Bernargues windfarm in Lunas (Hérault, Occitanie), the Nîmes Court of Appeal ruled on Friday, December 8.
The company must return the land to its original state. If it misses the deadline, it will be subject to a fine of €3,000 per day for 180 days, for every day it is late.
A court in Montpellier had already ordered the wind turbines to be dismantled in February 2021, but the Montpellier court of appeal overturned that ruling in June of the same year.
The associations took the case to the Court of Cassation, and in January 2023, it overturned the decision, referring the case back to the Nîmes Court of Appeal.
The case centred on several complaints from bird and animal welfare associations about the negative effect the windfarm was having on protected birds in the area, and residents who have complained about noise nuisance from the farm since it first opened in 2016.
Two planning permission applications had also been refused for the site.
Bird deaths
The bird in question is the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos, ‘aigle royal’ in French). Last April, one of these rare birds was found dead at the base of a wind turbine, and the welfare associations estimate that the turbine’s blades have been responsible for the death of more than a thousand birds in the area.
The site is built on an area that is home to many of the eagles, said Marjolaine Villey-Migraine, spokesperson for biodiversity activism group le Collectif pour la protection des paysages de la biodiversité 34-12.
“The golden eagle is unique, it hunts on 150 km², this is its territory,” she told BFMTV. “This has mainly been a fight for biodiversity, and that is where we have been vindicated [with this court decision].”
Resident noise complaints
Residents in the immediate surrounding area have long complained about the noise from the windfarm.
“The nuisance in summer is really unpleasant. It’s good that [the company] must remove them,” said Marion-Laure Jessel, a resident and member of the group fighting against the windfarm, to BFMTV.
Nicolas Gallon, lawyer for the group of associations, said: “This site was built on the basis of a planning permission that was annulled by the administrative court.
“A few months after construction was completed, the administrative court annulled the planning permission because it considered that there were shortcomings in what is known as ‘the impact study’,” he said.
He added that the chance of the company appealing against the decision – or its success if it does – were slim, “because the Court of Cassation has already handed down a ruling previously”.
The company has not responded to media requests for comment.
Turbine opposition
It comes after a court in Toulouse ruled in 2021 that six wind turbines near a couple’s farmhouse had caused them physical, emotional and financial distress; and a case in 2022 when locals in Brittany won their appeal against the building of XXL wind turbines.
The court recognised the turbines’ capacity to ‘damage the landscape and the amenities of the surrounding homes’ in the village.
However, this is the first time that a company has had to close its windfarm and return the land back to its original state following a court ruling.
Despite the opposition, France has moved to champion wind power as a major renewable energy source, and President Macron has repeatedly referred to plans to build 50 offshore windfarms as part of the country’s transition away from fossil fuels.