You cannot put a 300 meter high concrete pillar on top of a recognised grave. Even when it was your sworn enemy or friend. Estonia her modern existence is based upon sea, shipping and fishing. Major coastal towns are Hanze towns. Respecting culture means respecting graves. A sunken ship is seen as a coffin. At the end of WW2 almost the Northern German army fought her last battles on the ancient trading routes. Even most violent soldier need rest. Estonian has been robbed of it cultural heritage often, if something is left it is exactly where some want to put a windmill on-top. Au!
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea has been adopted by 167 countries[b] (one of them is Estonia! ) and the European Union, and disputes are resolved at the ITLOS tribunal in Hamburg. Estonians are not even allowed to go to their MS Estonia after it was hit by a Swedish submarine. A new documentary claims Estonia ferry has hole in wreck after going to the graveyard site. The makes of the documentary were charged violating seaman grave MS Estonia. We call upon people who know Germans lost in WW2 to report to us. We like to protect all men lost. Wehope to find something like a helmet on the bottom of the Livonia sea.
Please contact us if you know family of victims of seaman’s graves or historic events like the German forces of Army Group North or the Estonian who joined the German forces. Either lost in the “Great escape over two seas” or one of the viking battles is just as well a reason for further underwater research and protection. We like to ask court seaman’s grave search and protection before Estonian Energy & government ends their final rest.
Cheap underwater drone expeditions are very exciting.
Any finder is legitimate to receive his international legal part of 25% or more. Hanze ships carried cash to pay cargo.Sunken in the right direction point on cash aboard. We wish you luck. It’s our win-win.
Here is the map of on not searched area’s. archaeological treasure.
These are the Known wrecks.
Treasure protecting and finding brings a lot more than building windmills. Recent underwater tech makes new search methods possible. People who now search the forest better go here. Take a chance to win big and safe your hit sea from those who want to steal it.
To build a windmill park the bottom has to be cleared of objects this recent project shows. the Estonian sea bottom is rich of stones.
That’s why the country is called “East Stonia”. A hard and costly job. The stones were always a danger to ships. Countless wrecks are on the bottom. According international law these are international protected seaman’s graves.
New Law demands Energy firms must look for archaeological sites before drilling.
C-24/19 – A jt (Aalteri ja Nevele tuulepargid) | [Lõpetatud kohtuasi] |
- Menetlus põhikohtuasjas
Euroopa Kohtu otsus (suurkoda), 25.6.2020
A jt versus Gewestelijke stedenbouwkundige ambtenaar van het departement Ruimte Vlaanderen, afdeling Oost-Vlaanderen
Eelotsusetaotlus, mille on esitanud Raad voor Vergunningsbetwistingen
Eelotsusetaotlus – Direktiiv 2001/42/EÜ – Keskkonnamõju hindamine – Luba tuulegeneraatorite paigaldamiseks ja käitamiseks – Artikli 2 punkt a – Mõiste „kavad ja programmid“ – Määruse ja ringkirjaga kindlaks määratud tingimused loa andmiseks – Artikli 3 lõike 2 punkt a – Riigisisesed aktid, millega luuakse raamistik tulevase nõusoleku saamiseks projektidele – Keskkonnamõju hindamise puudumine – Riigisiseste aktide ja nende alusel antud lubade tagajärgede kehtima jätmine pärast seda, kui on tuvastatud, et need aktid ei vasta liidu õigusele – Tingimused
Kohtuasi C-24/19
Esitatud tekstid :RC-B6-0180/2008
H. arvestades, et laeva lõplik lagunemine ei reosta mitte ainult merepõhja ja merd, vaid kahjustab ka lähedal asuvat kalastuspiirkonda ja rannikuturismi;
I. Lamab praegu merepõhjas ja võib kahjustada vee kvaliteeti, suurendades selles piirkonnas selliste raskmetallide sisaldust, mille kohta üldsusel teavet ei ole; arvestades, et see teeb täieliku keskkonnamõju hindamise keeruliseks;
23-01-2023 Multiannual Plan (MAP) for the Baltic Sea
European Parliament votes for a sustainable future for Baltic Sea fisheries. Now it’s up to the Council – 28 EU ministers responsible for fisheries must make sure that the Baltic plan delivers the CFP objectives and is fully in line with the most recent scientific advice, as well as EU environmental legislation, such as the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
EU Joint Research Publications Repository (JRC)