The restoration of trees remains among the most effective strategies for climate change mitigation. UN&EU supported.
Update Best science article 2021: The role of nature in tackling global heating is finally recognised
World leaders at Cop26 pledged to end deforestation by 2030.
This year, a huge scientific effort over many decades finally paid off in policy terms. The United Nations climate conference held in Glasgow (Cop26) has been labelled “Nature’s COP” because of the high profile given to conserving and restoring natural ecosystems, in particular forests, as a way of tackling global heating. On just the second day, world leaders (now more than 140, covering more than 90% of the world’s forests) pledged to end deforestation by 2030.
Data demonstrating the importance of forests to the planet’s carbon balance has been extremely hard won. Literally thousands of scientists have been measuring tree growth, tree death, and emissions, from thousands of forest plots, over many, many years. Collaborations such as, RainFor and the Global Ecosystems Monitoring network have done incredible work drawing together and standardising these essential field measurements. The resulting data has demonstrated, for example, that the vital role of intact tropical forests in soaking up anthropogenic carbon emissions is starting to reverse, and have allowed calculations of the potential contribution natural climate solutions could make to tackling the climate crisis.
There is widespread scepticism about the extent to which the Glasgow leaders’ declaration on deforestation can be delivered: similar pledges in the past have spectacularly failed. However, such clear recognition that there is no path to net zero without nature is a very positive step. Julia PG Jones,The Economist
Update Nov 2nd, 2021 World Leaders decide. Estonia, no.31
Science Shows:There is room for an extra 0.9 billion hectares of canopy cover, which could store 205 gigatonnes of carbon in areas that would naturally support woodlands..Equivalent of 25% of the current atmospheric carbon pool.the damage humanity has inflicted can be undone.Therootcauseofclimatechangeisnotthecar,butfellingforests.
Our relationship with forests has changed, the recovery that is already taking place, and the future role of trees in an emerging community-centred approach to the land.
BesidescaptureCO2,TeeesAbleto filter out noise and pollution, and the calming, cooling effects trees can have in otherwise overheated cities. Therealgreen istheGreenoftheforest.
“In an era of divisions over the climate breakdown, tree planting seems to bring everyone together!”
Latvian carbon absorbtion by the forest to acieve the climate goal.
Latvia uses their forest to acieve the climate goals their national plan shows!
Forest rich counties do not need windmills to get the EU green deal done!
The only real green is the green of the forest!
The EU’s 2050 climate neutrality requires a BROAD “Decarbonisation”. Not only windmills!
An approach to decarbonizing the EU economy is fit-for-all-purposes. Decarbonizing the power sector and promoting renewables (windmills ) is ONLY a secondary objective. The real green is the green of the forest. Windmills are secondary solutions according to the EU. Let’s do some calculations to see why this is true.
To travel one year a car you need 10 X 121 trees. That’s 1210 or one hectare forest.
Estonian CO2 capture figures:
Forest land and forestry is the key sector for GHG sequestration and is compensating for other sectors GHG emissions. LULUCF sector acts as a sink due to forest land and forestry: in 2019 the LULUCF sector (land use, land-use change and forestry) total uptake was -725.99 kt CO2 equivalent.
Protecting Estonian Forests Is Critical for Climate Mitigation, USA tells!
forests provide a “carbon sink” that absorbs a net 7.6 billion metric tones of CO2 per year, 1.5 times more carbon than the United States emits annually. What about Estonia?
Estonia goes wrong by burning the forest.
Estonian government in early 2021 announced plans to reach carbon neutrality by 2050 and to stop producing shale oil in 2035.
In Estonia Oil shale accounted for 72% of Estonia’s total domestic energy production, 73% of total primary energy supply and 76% of electricity generation. An unique satiation.
A 1,000-hectare forest can absorb 15,000–26,000 tones of carbon dioxide per year