Update 18.7.2022

Euroopa Komisjoni algatatud rikkumismenetluste arv Eesti suhtes on viimasel neljal aastal järjepidevalt kasvanud, kuid Eesti on ikkagi üks kõige paremini Euroopa Liidu õigusakte üle võtnud liikmesriike.
UPDATE 8.6.2022 www.euronews.com EU/Riigikogu/Häädemeeste energia chaos.
UPDATE:Update 20% Roheinflatsioon! 6.2022 Eurostat Energia 26%!/ Putin&KajaKalas/Utilitas võidab!
UPDATE 16.02.2022

EU Infringement decisions9 June 2021Brussels
the Commission calls on ESTONIA to improve its rules on environmental assessment
The Commission is calling on Estonia to bring its national legislation in line with the EU Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC) and the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive (Directive 2001/42/EC), in particular with regard to logging activities in Natura 2000 sites.
UPDATE 1.02.2022
To: European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen
Cc. Executive Vice President Frans Timmermans
Berlaymont, Rue de la Loi 200
1000 – Brussels
REF WF2/2022
-open letter-
Dear Commission President Von der Leyen,
We ask the EC to act on your Infringement decisions calling on Estonia to bring its national legislation in line with the EU Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC) and the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive (Directive 2001/42/EC) (9 June 2021 /inf_21_2743)
Following failing planning events show that your slow action on your infringement harms.
The Your personal gift of a sea powercable during your last visit is part of this planning scandal harming local fisherman. This letter is describes the police the tender fraud.(bypassing EU tender rules too)(Appendix 2). The “investor” aimed to block fisherman to get cheap exclusive access to the Liivi Bay sea. Sadly prime minister Kaja Kallas worked for this “investor” until end last year. The fishing harbour (Jaagupi.eu) stands for a decade long battle of fisherman against the government(incl. EU subsidisation fraud). The parish decided that the harbour belongs to the fisherman. The people voted against the pro-wind-farm local leadership that has been replaced. National elections are upcoming and 50/50. Please correct & act the affair harms the EU.
The failing planning leaded to these criminal charges against state planning advisory & the state Estonian Energy company Eesti Energia. https://www.eitapjatuulikutele.eu/kihnu-haliade-x-14/ In this criminal case the height/amount(/location)is kept hided throughout the planning procedure to gain advantage. (Appendix 1).
In this letter to the president of Estonia you see that all data/models/research is compromised and doesn’t meet the EU open science criteria. Our president was a former Rector Magnificus of the Tartu university that tells here that there is still no open Science policy in Estonia. It’s impossible to make evidence based desc-icons & do planning if you compromise science. Our letters give grave examples of compromised science/planning. You are a doctor, please act! https://www.eitapjatuulikutele.eu/ec/
Summerizing the wind farm business in Estonia. It simply work this way. Energy companies go directly to the Estonian local governments and offer them “compensation” without research or any specification. Later all activities/permits are sold. Subsidisation and eternal sea-rights are the values traded to third parties (abroad, like the Russians!). The entire wind-farm business is focused on governmental subsidisation&permits only. When the bribing is done, limited/not open research done by “own” people.
Lacking proper research the real cost or economic damage to the parish is unknown. Compensating locals becomes bribing when the real cost to the one who is harmed is kept unknown deliberately.
The wind farms economic feasibility study is entirely missing. EU (economic) market principles are bypassed. Probably the wind-farms never arrive. All forgot that there is less wind in Estonia and a lot of sea ice. The long expensive sea cables were also not in the planning as a cost. Just like decommissioning(recycling) is refused as cost. Maintenance in the frozen sea by companies 2000 km away too. Above all you do need profit&healthy management that does not produce scam plans like this. Even the best wind farms are subsidised and therefore not profitable. Estonian wind-farms are less profitable. But guess, all the world applies for them. Thanks to the wind-farm planning bookkeeping scam. There was virtual unlimited requests for cabling&wind-farms in 2020. The parishes returned all to the State in this letter. http://atp.amphora.ee/haademeestevv/index.aspx?itm=105563
To make matters worse. There is even a new Estonian wind-farm compensation law pending. Offering correct compensation without examining the real cost is uneconomic(against art.5. of the Estonian constitution). Planning is is done to promote more desirable social and environmental outcomes as well as a more efficient use of resources. Research and EU laws are ignored by this law. The first articles of the Baltic sea agreement stress open fair science. Your Infringement decisions (9 June 2021 /inf_21_2743) are joked by the draft compensation law.
We describe a systemic problem. On Forest the same violations by the same actors. Sadly our similar letters blocked Rail Baltic. We were upset when coastal pine forest (larger and more beautiful than on the Frisian North sea islands) were felt on the exact place were your cables were expected. (Without a permit, the fine they took/just paid).
Estonia is EU best door (left) to Russia/Asia. Far best positioned to defend EU values &control. Like your own family (Ludwig von Knoop), founded the largest cotton factory of Europe in Estonia (Narva,1857). The deeply rooted in Lower Saxony Hanze trade values should be used properly. We could build an EU Asia electrical super train with best digital administration alternatively. Biding the entire east. Even Putin and a large part of his leadership is from this region. Trade prevents wars & mass migration at Estonia doorsteps. Please do not Loose Estonia like Ludwig von Knoop did by supporting the Russian Revolution.
The man-made energy crisis can cause a man-made war. US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken said. “What’s happening in Ukraine is not only about Ukraine. It’s part of a broader pattern of destabilising, dangerous, and often illegal behaviour by Moscow as it tries to build a sphere of influence that covers the countries that were once under Soviet dominion,” Sad to see both EU & Russia topple Estonia. Your family belonged to the Europe’s industrial leadership during last century. please do right.
Please look at what matters here. More people leave than come here(both our parish&Estonia). Smart People do leave. Vote with their feet. It’s unstable like climate change. A complex system with a tipping point. Estonia definitely goes first, before the climate.
We ask you to act on your infringement decision now. We ask you to protect our fishing industry & tourism that stabilises our nation. We manage with that. We ask you to respect our young nation.
We ask your commission to punish the EU profiteers directly. State aid violations (https://ec.europa.eu/competition-policy/state-aid/legislation_en). & Stock exchange laws show aid & stock-profit are based upon hijacked wind-farm sea planning your commission disproves.
Yours sincerely,
Appendix Letter Estonian President Alar Karis
Original PDF
Estonian President Alar Karis
Vabariigi Presidendi Kantselei
A. Weizenbergi 39, 15050 Tallinn
631 6202, vpinfo@vpk.ee
Topic: Liivi Bay planning exploited by state-owned Eesti Energia. EU laws & science are bypassed. Harming the economy, environment, democracy & Estonian constitution. Kaja Kallas quick push(18.01.2022)to quickly ignore all laws & logic and decide on wind-farms now doesn’t bring new arguments or dispute ours.
Honorable President,
– intro –
We turn to you for the implementation of EU law in Estonia like you did in the Postimees. https://leht.postimees.ee/7356626/alar-karis-euroopa-liidu-linnukeel-tuleb-eesti-keelde-panna. We turn to you as former Rector Magnificus to care science is applied correctly. We turn to you as guardian of the constitution that there is a valid economic business for windfarms as article 5 of the constitution demands. We ask you to protect Estonia against Greenflation (=green inflation) by protecting the stance & task of the Eesti Pank given in the constitutional Eesti Pank law. We turn to you as commander in chief because the entire social-economic fabric of Estonia is at risk.
We write you in English to involve other EU bodies like the EC that issued an infringement decision mentioned below. We also wrote several mostly answered Estonian letters we quote later. Throughout this letter we call all to repair the democratic dialog, embrace EU law & open science.
– Background. the European Commission infringement decision to improve planning (calling on Estonia 9 June 2021)-
EU ordered Estonia (Inf_21_2743 https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/inf_21_2743)
to bring its national legislation in line with the EU Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC) and the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive (Directive 2001/42/EC) (9 June 2021 /inf_21_2743). What happens in Häädemeeste is a brute repetition of the Estonian high court verdict on Hiiumaa. We present a similar brute case where EU sea planning Science exploits in Häädemeeste Parish.
The entire sea planning was canceled in summer 2021. It was very incomplete the environmental minister wrote. Partly based on similar argumentation we bring in this letter. The finance minister ignores all shortages now. Finally, we quote the former head of the parish that writes that the Liivi Bay planning is invalid.
-a recent admission of the Estonian government doing wrong –
The Rahandusministeerium came upfront to the same premature conclusion as after our righteous letters. Rahandusministeeriumi planeeringute osakonnajuhataja asetäitja Triin Lepland ütles. ERR, 05.01.2022 https://www.err.ee/1608456179/uusi-meretuuleparke-voimaldav-mereala-planeering-jouab-varsti-valitsusse
Triin lepland ignored all planning shortages we wrote also to you and tells we can continue.
“Tõenäoliselt tuleb uus planeeringumenetlus teha. Aga otsust….”The Finance minister(rahandusminister), Keit Pentus-Rosimannus calls on Facebook to “move on”. Just like Kaja Kallas on 18.01.2022. Bypassing law, science, economic logic & even national security.

– our recent governmental correspondence & facts –
Our letters are: Email to the finance minister, Skepast & Puhkimil on the Liivi lahe tuulepargi KMH 3.1.2022. https://www.jaagupie.eu/SKEPAST_PUHKIM.pdfand to the same parties 21.12.2021. http://www.jaagupi.eu/LIIVI_LAHE_ERIPLANEERING_21dec2021.pdf
We gave clear arguments & facts, you received cc by the mail of January 3-rd2022. (https://jaagupi.eu/Vastus_Eesti_mereala_planeeringule_esitatud_arvamusele.pdf/ https://www.eitapjatuulikutele.eu/sciencesp/)
The Rahandusministeerium reacted twice shortly.Registreerimise kuupäev: 07.01.2022& Registreerimise number: 15-1/8753-2.
Registreerimise kuupäev: 13.01.2022/Registreerimise number: 15-1/9030-2.Registreerimise kuupäev: 17.01.2022 Registreerimise number: 15-4/9183-3.
Also newly elected parish major wrote great critiques on the planned research. ( http://atp.amphora.ee/haademeestevv/index.aspx?itm=132990 ).
-facts & proof of violating law&logic using our last weeks correspondence.
We explain using our correspondence above (Also Appendix) that the democratic & scientific dialog is boldly ignored upfront or quickly avoided. Also our newly elected major is asking for a reasonable democratic dialog, science & or ask for governmental promises made to be kept.
Most of our & the parish arguments were left unanswered.
We must conclude The Estonian planning does NOT include EU laws or EU guidelines and EU open research the registered correspondence with the finance minister and documents give clear proof ready for courts governments, EU bodies, and commercial parties. The research is pre-cooked by state companies, like State-owned Enefit Green, for bypassing planning and quick validation for quick profits.
The finance Minster defends at point 2 in their letter Registreerimise kuupäev:07.01.2022& Registreerimise number: 15-1/8753-2. claims that they have done some research that proofs it’s safe. We dispute their data based on international (EU) open research standards and EU guidelines the finance Minster boldly ignores.
The EU court ruled. (Euroopa Liidu Kohus PRESSITEADE nr 77/20) that local wind/current data measurements are needed. Basic values like the wind (shadows) are not measured on the spot. The energy company owned forecast model quoted. Science must validate against reality the EU & global science demands(Founder of modern science Karl Popper taught us). Falsifiability is the standard of evaluation in science based on reality. Pseudo science is closed science that cannot be criticised. The speed and the closed planning procedures bypass science.
All(!) local data is missing S&P writes in their research proposals and the letter of Registreerimise number: 15-4/9183-3. confirms that. Besides missing/false data the planning BlueWise (mentioned at point 4 of 07.01.2022& Registreerimise number: 15-1/8753-2. goes wrong too. Science demands real measurements and not a (beta-version) back-box reality. We couldn’t even enter our activities.
Real data as provided by the EU Aeolus wind satellite measurement and Copernicus mission are simply ignored! The European Commission provided free, full and open access to a wealth of data gathered by Copernicus, Europe’s Earth observation system is ignored. Although sea planning must not interfere with land activities and (the plenty)Natura2000 reserves.
The empty Natura2000 map were explained by an pending annual update in the first. (That’s not plausible, we were misinformed anyway) Later it’s ignored. Skepast & Puhkim explicit(!) remarks that maps were up to date. Some animals like seals(!) never counted Skepast & Puhkim writes. No data gathered in the Liivi bay yet Skepast & Puhkim writes in their research proposals. There is no data, wrong models and no science& planning procedures in place.
The research bypassed proofs that obstruction of wind and currents (by the concrete foundations) is acknowledged, but ignored in Estonia. The NEW EU floating wind-farms strategy because wind-farms in shallow waters are not accepted. Quote”The Commission aims to complement this with 40 GW of ocean energy and other emerging technologies such as floating wind and solar by 2050.( https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_20_2096 )
In your previous role as rector Rector magnificus of Tartu University we ask you to let planning science be done by academics. Please honer the founder of modern science, Karl Popper, who learned us to validate against reality, not a model. Please respect this philosophy that is reflected in the famous EU court Case C-24/19/Nevele https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?qid=1395932669976&uri=CELEX:62018CJ0261 This case rendered wind-farm permits invalid all over Europe. Hence for the Liivi bay, because of the missing specifications(height/amount of windmills) we proof.( Karel Tölp PDF14.12.2021. a.)
The profit minded planning commercials exploit planning science and the Estonian science community our democracy needs. Our economy needs to be innovative. Estonia is planning a windfarm in the swallow Liivi bay because it’s supposed to be cheap. That view is outdated because recent international science showed that vibration, wind/current sound & moist does matter. Now the EU promotes floating deep sea wind-farms.
It’s wrong to defend Eesti Energia that paid scientists to keep public funded science secret. (on windmill vibrations killing fish eggs. We showed past local wind-data measured in only the 3 windy months(later multiplied by 4). Our appendix shows more bad science exploited. Estonia needs a healthy open science community. Estonia is just behind because science is not open connected. Although disputed at 3 we quote most of the research in the appendix is ignored. We quote Tartu University explaining open science isn’t there.
The failing planning research is rooted in the complete absence of (open) or real open science in the Estonian planning procedures we explain. Our lengthy comment on the replacement of real science by profit-making government-related “companies” that manipulate data, models, filter research questions to fit the political goal, and make a profit. We offer a very rich research and planning fraud case based on Skepast & Puhkim “Science” proposals in the appendix. S&P did not react on our letters.
Safety, the environment, fishing industry & economic logic has been ignored to give state support to nonviable state energy owned by close relations of politicians. We prove Science is ridiculed and that sea planning is exploited by Estonian Energy.
Please see that you cannot copy a wind farm idea from the windy North Sea to the far less windy & icy Baltic’s. That sea cables/grid cost more than the wind-farm is somehow acknowledged. Windfarms in the North Sea just need short expensive cables.
The missing economic business validity of the wind farms are not disputed. Wind farms are neither proven feasible nor sustainable. The risks and calculations according to EU guidelines and laws are all ignored. EU laws are largely ignored. We specify our request to defend article 5 of the constitution that demands healthy economics. Only healthy economics guarantee efficiencies that bring the green future we need. Bad governance is not green history learned us. Soviet-style monopolistic supply-side energy mobilization needs to make space for open science and free-market and other EU laws.
– the violation of article 5 of the constitution. A business case is missing –
Rahandusministeerium ignores moral loss and the missing business case logic. Copy an North Sea windfarms to the many times less windy mostly frozen Baltics is not economic viable. The economic picture needed is entirely not made, Even skipping & cheating wind measurements. Ignoring wind shadows by the many other windmills demanded (loss 50%). Skip extreme high cabling costs (more than the windfarm itself), skip all maintenance (in the ice sea), skip all decommissioning (=be Green). Ignore all opportunity cost by ignoring nature & entire fishing, tourist industry where people live from. Taking the Liivi bay in planning abuse hostage, blocking all investments by years of uncertainty.
– the wind farms in Estonia work this wrong way –
Energy companies go directly to the Estonian local governments and offer them “compensation” without research or any specification. Hence the real cost or economic damage to the parish is unknown. When the bribe is done, limited/not open research done by “own” people. Later all activities/permits are sold. Subsidisation and eternal sea-rights are the values traded.
The wind farms economic feasibility is never examined. Neither is the or real social or environmental effects examined we see later. It’s not not needed to let the state energy company(EE/EG)profit. Probably the wind-farms never arrive. In a functioning free-market economy you do need profit&healthy management after all.
There was virtual unlimited requests for cabling&wind-farms in 2020. The parishes returned all to the State in this letter. https://atp.amphora.ee/haademeestevv/index.aspx?itm=105563
The planning is not done according this flow/timeline below. In Estonia windfarms start with block 9: compensation/bribe.

Source letter: http://www.jaagupi.eu/LIIVI_LAHE_ERIPLANEERING_21dec2021.pdf shows the flow of the state advisory brochure(Made with Dutch governmental support), that is not applied in Estonia.
State owned Enefit Green must give a profit warning and return funds to investors, because of the misleading prospectus offered based on rigged & incomplete planning procedures & illegal state support.
The Ministry of Finance commented explains in the registered letter of 17.1.2022( Registreerimise kuupäev: 17.01.2022 Registreerimise number: 15-4/9183-3)not to have the right to decide who has a business plan economically viable or not. Our stance is that the finance minister signs off permissions that bypass costs. Skipping deterring the real costs makes wind farms possible. Because Enefit Green is registered at the stock exchange and does not present all costs and misleads investors it is your responsibility. We also discussed EU state support rules and we cc the mail to the Ministry of Finance’s direct responsible person.
The Ministry of Finance ignores the Letter Karel Tölp PDF14.12.2021. a. that explains the planning is invalid and even the heights of the windmills are not specified. This letter created a one-one copy of the EU court Euroopa Liidu Kohus PRESSITEADE nr 77/20 you ignore again&again. The famous case rendered many permits invalid, stopped many (even working) wind-farms and caused damage compensation claims.
It’s also untrue that all EU guidelines are used like you claim in the letter of 17.1.2022. Enefit Green answered us before by registered mail that EU/all English is ignored in Estonia. We asked questions directly copied from the EU guideline that were ignored or ridiculed. For example the EU wind-farm guideline demands a step-by-step & 3 phase implementation for wind farms. It’s logic to build a small wind-farm first and measure the real impact before building the next windmill project. This letter of the parish that’s overwhelmed by permit requests and sends them all back to your ministry proofs the failure to comply. No one can predict the ecological effect of unlimited or random high speed wind farm requests. The profitability can not predicted if one wind farm is placed in front creating a wind shadow and 50% power reduction.
-protect the constitutional Bank of Estonia Act. Warnings of Eesti Pank made this week –
Deeply rooted in your contitutional task we ask you as ourpresident to guard The constitutional Bank of Estonia Act. I quote”Eesti Panga eesmärk ja ülesanded (1) Eesti Panga esmane eesmärk on hindade stabiilsuse säilitamine.” The record high inflation demand reduce (energy) costs and government spending. In combination with th e Covid global supply shocks is a textbook perfect storm. Stacking an energy crises on top of a global crises looks like economic suicide.
The Rahandusministeerium illegal wind energy state support causes an economic & state security disaster. Eesti Pank warns. ( https://www.eestipank.ee/press/rekordilised-energiahinnad-parsivad-ostujoudu-07012022 )+ Quote”
Statistikaameti andmetel kasvasid tarbijahinnad eelmise aasta detsembris aastatagusega võrreldes 12,2%. (26% CPI Energy, +12% overall Europe Eurostat dec’21, highest country! “Selle aasta keskmiseks inflatsiooniks prognoosib Eesti Pank 6,9 protsenti. võib hinna-palgakasvu spiraal. See kahjustaks majanduse konkurentsivõimet ja seaks ohtu töökohad.
The legacy of the Great Depression and the fall of the Soviet Union are built upon inflation. Estonia was born upon inflation. All modern wars start with a state bankruptcy and the wild printing of money at the expense of their people. Nobel laureate economist Milton Friedman called inflation a hidden tax because it’s the only tax that doesn’t require a law. People pay & suffer from undemocratic and unconstitutional energy policies. Our appeal to your constitutional task is to guard the following articles of the constitution. It’s common sense. Siim Kallas: kriisid vajavad tervet mõistust
The ratio of article 5 of the Estonian constitution is guarding against the supply-side energy economics. Estonia knows from soviet times that the supply side plan economy (soviet style 5 years plan economics) doesn’t work. Many academic papers do so too. We clearly see an Soviet style fear-driven infinite mobilization to save the world from climate change. We don’t judge that logic. We ask you to guard economics, science democracy. We see the new Greens behaving like the old Reds.
-The windfarm compensation law pending is opposite EU demanded.-
When the head of the Enefit Green,Aavo Kärmas, entered to the room he jelled a dozen time “we compensate you” the audio protocol witness. You cannot compensate if you do not calculate the cost first. That fact that our former parish leaders owns energy facilities shows planning is corrupt. Energy companies involved are all in control/owned by prime minister Kaja Kallas this newspaper explains. Last elections Häädemeeste has chooses a new leader. The Häädemeeste volikogu coalition agreement calls for science based decision making now.
The windfarm direct compensation law ignores the proper planning laws needed and ordered by the EU. The proposed law bypasses democratic economic cost-price calculations. The law also benefits the selected above the free market parties. General practice is that liability law guarantees to calculate proper compensation values.
Direct compensation is made to bypass the economic calculation based on the open science we need. We do need proper green & sustainable bookkeeping rules were. Windfarms need to follow EU regulations on cables & foundations too. Windfarm must be safe for people & nature by regulation to prevent costs that surprise us later. Demanding provisions for recycling & repairs force companies to calculate the real costs. Guarantees from foreign owners are hidden in a web of empty companies and leases.
The parliament cannot determine the amount to pay because it’s not based on healthy economic bookkeeping and fair distribution. The wind farm compensation law is just uncommon illegal state support for the wind farms.
– democracy itself unbalanced –
Last elections toppled our parish leadership. Next elections probably topple current party rule. Please see that wind-farm decisions are made or delayed in court or by EU rule. Please see that real economic viability for wind-farms matters. Already other weaker (EU) countries get toppled now.
– this energy crisis is not necessary now. Why skip the EU alternative Green List & energy alternative use discussion of 2022? –
Even energy alternatives like Nuclear and the entire national debate is skipped. EU delays (10.1.2022) deadline on green investment rules for nuclear and gas with the purpose to bypass the debate Estonia wants to end prematurely. It’s not wise to decide wind-farms 1.2021 without knowing the Green economic alternatives debated in parliament.
The industrial revolution is already going on for centuries. Fossil fuels going to get burned anyway by poorer nations like China & India. they do not participate in Cop26 and are responsible for 80% of all carbon emissions and 21 saw a record coal demand.
Waiting a year to see how the Covid crises work out first would be wise too. Stacking an energy crisis on top of a covid crisis is unpredictable complexity.
– addressing our Honorable president as supreme commander of the national defence of Estonia –
The Strategic Compass for Security and Defence (EC council 13638/21) wrote that the EU urgently needs to take more responsibility for its own security by acting in its neighbourhood. Estonia is the ultimate front line.
The Estonian energy policy looks like the perfect self made asymmetrical power attack. The U.S Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken warned against infiltration in former Soviet countries.
The plan of Russians co-owning wind farms was first refused by the Defence Police. Our previous letters proved cases of corruption & infiltration that was also followed up by the Defence Police. What does Russia want there?
Please consider buying their gas from Russia could be wise for now. Where trade flows weapons keep silent. The EU gas bloccade based on carbon reduction cuts Russia their main income forces Russia. Consider Stopping poking the bear. History showed how bad it can go if you bring revolutions to Russia or follow the Germans.
The years of the inflation predicted by the Estonian bank alone would half the money of people to spend on food & heating. Historically Inflation precedes war. Estonia created this inflation Eesti Pank wrote. Inflation equals a Nation bankruptcy, because it stops the market mechanism(demand&supply determine prices) to work. The free world is build upon prices. Inflation is the only tax that doesn’t need approval, Nobel economist Milton Friedman explained. People have half the income at current inflation rates. Tipping points reached. Other weaker nations can easily fall like domino blocks. There is no defence against refugees crossing our weak borders. Please do not overestimate our dependence on the USA. President Biden was in charge for giving away the Crimea and Afghanistan. The EU army is merely a peace corp. The possible loss of more Ukraine soil will puts Estonia first in line.
Please take charge and expand the radar-free no-windmill zone already covering half Estonia. Like done here18.01.2022: Üksteist aastat menetlemist: ministeerium niitis Eesti ühe vanima meretuulepargi projekti lõplikult maha Justification can be based upon the (EC council 13638/21) or the new NATO Baltic Strategy. We appreciate you did already took the nuclear alternative placed on the new EU green list(draft 31.12.2021) the government wanted to bypass with a quick premature pro wind-farm decision now. Kaja Kallas quick push(18.01.2022)to quickly ignore all laws & logic and decide on wind-farms now doesn’t bring new arguments or dispute ours.
The moment someone is not politically active you risk to suffer the exploitation of the inferiors. MTÜ Puhas silmapiir fights against corruption that harms fair division of the sea & forests.
We make the problem visible. Therefore MTÜ Puhas silmapiir supports Jaagupi Sadam MTU. The perfect case of corruption by the Eesti Energia energy hitting of a local fisherman. Jaagupi sadam was opened by the first president and always blocked afterward. Corruption created a runaway parish. Democratic planning never arrived here. Huge resources like the entire Livonian Bay and also forest lands are exploited in an old fashion state-like way. Sea & land exclusively given to foreign(even Russian) monopolists.
We believe you were recently elected as the best guard of these constitutional principles. We ask you to act & protect our Estonian constitution & the Estonian people against a few profiteers.
yours sincerely,
APENDIX Letter Estonian President Alar Karis
Comments research sea planning Estonia(S&P12.11.2021)

1. The entire sea-planning was cancelled spring 2021 and nothing has improved since the new plan autumn 2021.
The governmental procedure was outsourced and paid by the state Energy company who let the state planning company who co-owned wind-farms with the Russians do the job. Because of the use of u secure environments cheating persons became visible. Privacy violated. We wrote governmental institutes on all level twice unanswered. Letter:https://jaagupi.eu/EESTI%20MEREALADE%20PLANEERIMISEST_16.12.2021.a.pdf
2. EU frameworks and guidelines are ignored, not even translated.
EU Guidance document on wind energy developments and EU nature legislation orders in Natura2000 area’s are never used and not even usable because they were never translated. Governmental workers do not read English. We cannot even go to the court with your guidelines. (source:https://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/natura2000/management/docs/wind_farms_en.pdf)

3.EU timelines & planning steps missing.
Planning is not done according this EU standard guideline timeline& detail planning. Our letter: http://www.jaagupi.eu/LIIVI_LAHE_ERIPLANEERING_21dec2021.pdf shows the flow of the state advisory brochure(Made with Dutch governmental support), that is not applied in Estonia, where they start to compensate before knowing costs or profits. The feasibility study is missing. The proposed research studies the wind needed for the feasibility study is done last. More permit requests leads to more research. The many Wind-farms do interact. The government failed to coordinate requests, creating overloads, making real planning impossible.

EU/International Laws are ignored.
The EU is aware of this corruption and the articles pointing to the implementation of the known EU laws are at the forefront of the EU Baltic States Agreement. https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/ministerial_declaration_our_baltic_conference.pdf
Quote: Art. 1. “RECALLING with serious concern the situation of the Baltic Sea marine environment” and Art. 2 “EXPRESS concern ..” and Art. 3. “RESTATING our commitment to full implementation of the relevant European legislation” etc.
Research also demands real local measurements the EU court ruled. Hight, position, amount & place of windmills are missing in the Sea planning Karel Tölp(PDF14.12.2021. a.) writes. There is no data/expertise available at all in the Liivi bay. Highly protected seals are not even counted. Most of the seabottum never scanned. Euroopa Liidu Kohus PRESSITEADE nr 77/20 Luxembourg, 25. juuni 2020 Kohtuotsus (kohtuasi C-24/19). https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/upload/docs/application/pdf/2020-06/cp200077et.pdf
Open international open EU data/standards/guidelines/models/best-practices& international literature is not used.
EU “Guidance document on wind energy developments and EU nature legislation” is fully ignored! A step-by-step 3 phase planning is mandatory but ignored in Estonia. https://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/natura2000/management/docs/wind_farms_en.pdf
There is currently no Open Science policy in Estonia! Development Plan 2021–2035 (TAIE). This framework is based on the recommendations of the Open Science Expert Group established by the Estonian Research Council in 2016 and two studies conducted within the framework of the RITA program and the recommendations of the European Commission and the OECD. University research libraries and the DataCite Estonia Consortium are actively involved in introducing the principles of open science in Estonia.

The proposals S&P offers (a dozen 1-page research setups) cannot be qualified as professional. The manual on how to write a research(80p.) Research-net gives a 20 page guideline on Writing an Empirical Research Report, DOI:10.1007/978-0-230-34553-9_11
For example. Scientist Mati Kose his contracts with Estonian Energy contained a 100.000 fine clause for speaking public on his former public made science. His last work was on the vibration disturbing killing fish eggs and the migration corridor bird radar on Kihnu.
The founding father of last century academic research, Karl Popper learned that we need real data to validate plans. He also told that all real science must be discussed and cannot kept secret. Both conditions are violated.
Scientists are PAID by industry and do NOT work according EU norm. https://ec.europa.eu/research/openscience/index.cfm
Fake Science bypasses policies that MUST be based on science: https://ec.europa.eu/knowledge4policy/
The EU GOP21 reports. EU (satellite)Data&models are all ignored.
21.12.2021 we wrote the fiance minster for the third time on this topic. Our letter: http://www.jaagupi.eu/LIIVI_LAHE_ERIPLANEERING_21dec2021.pdf Still this research they ordered ignores the shrotages.
Invalid/no data, old/invalid models, for a few small windmills, taking limited&isolated effects.
This major risk demands calculating accumulated effects. The government made modelling of risks impossible. Wind shadows of overlapping wind farms make only a limited amount of economically usable windmills possible.
The founding father of last century academic research, Karl Popper learned that we need real data to validate plans. He also told that all real science must be discussed and cannot kept secret. Both conditions are violated. Data is missing/not gathered. EU (open/satellite)data not used. Wrong data models used. International research (we mention her) not mentioned/used. That’s the result of non-EU open science practices long known to all, like the first articles of the Baltic sea agreement acknowledges. Baltic state Latvia starts with small test wind farm parks to gather real data. Also the EU mandatory x-border dialog is a farce. The S&P “research” we criticise here is aimed to get max-size wind-farm permission with minimum research on minimal effects on a mini wind-farm.
Driven by subsidisation the wind farms get uneconomic. That’s against art 5 of the Estonian constitution that was build in to prevent against the Russian communist style planning errors now made by the Estonian Energy company and state planners that co-exploit Saaremaa wind-farm with Russians.
Wind and sea-currents effects are not researched. It’s nuts from an economic perspective. You cannot copy a (already not viable) North Sea wind-farm economic model and expect it to work in the many factors less windy North East of the EU. Sea ice skyrocket operation costs & risks. Sea cables are the cost of the wind farms. Last visit you gave a present that represented less than 1% of the Cable need. The wind-farm investments plan leave out many risks&costs like cables,maintenance. The Russians look forward to this energy planning disaster as shareholder.
More permit requests leads to more research. Windfarms interact. The government failed to coordinate requests. Windshaddows make only a limited amount of economically usable windmills possible. Blocking wind and related sea currents turn the lake like Livonian bay into a green algae soup. This major risk demands calculating cumulated effects. The government made modeling impossible. Hight, position, amount & place of windmills are missing. Wind direction, wind shadows, cabling is not taken into account.
Research demands real local measurements the EU court ruled. Euroopa Liidu Kohus PRESSITEADE nr 77/20 Luxembourg, 25. juuni 2020 Kohtuotsus (kohtuasi C-24/19). https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/upload/docs/application/pdf/2020-06/cp200077et.pdf
Main research point is missing. Risk that the Liivi Bay Eco system reach a tipping point and collapses and becomes a agea/weed lake.
Local tipping point we fear from climate change are locally not examined and are bound the happen long before the world starts to burn. The 10.000km2 Liivi Bay is largely not examined S&P writes. Wind & currents and the entire seal(foodchain) are not known. The small slow current that goes around in 2 years. When the lake like flow stops, the weed algae system explodes.
Tipping points are a point at which an ecosystem can no longer cope with environmental change, and the ecosystem suddenly shifts from one state to another. It happens everywhere where humans massively enter. Climate change in large. Local Liivi Bay change looks like a Russian style ecological planning mistake is in the make. The bay turns green & dead quickly. Repair takes a generation.
The finance Minster defends at point 2 in their letter Registreerimise kuupäev: 07.01.2022& Registreerimise number: 15-1/8753-2. claims that they have done some research that proofs it’s safe. We dispute their data based on verifiable open global acknowledged research based on EU standards the finance Minster ignores. Wind shadows effects of more wind-farms are not discussed. Sea current research has been ignored too as well as many related topics we brought up and the entire EU wind farm guidelines on this topic. EU court ruled. (Euroopa Liidu Kohus PRESSITEADE nr 77/20) that local wind/current data is needed, not the energy company owned forecast model quoted. Real data like the EU Aeolus wind satellite measurement mission are bypassed. Then you see that you cannot copy a windfarm idea from the windy North Sea to the far less windy Baltic’s. Also ignored is the NEW EU floating wind-farms strategy because wind-farms in shallow waters are not accepted. Quote”The Commission aims to complement this with 40 GW of ocean energy and other emerging technologies such as floating wind and solar by 2050.( https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_20_2096 ) Estonia is behind because science is not open connected. Estonia doesn’t innovate with windfarms. Only keeps the old North Sea carbon industry alive needed for the concrete foundations.
Natura2000 maps are never made/just left empty!
Natrura2000 map looks as empty a Kalingrad. The size of the Liivi bay is 10.000km2 similar as the Waddenzee/Wattenmer. EU Highly protected Seals and their entire foodchain simply not mapped. Both HELCOM and NATURA2000 are unusable. New data must be gathered and cover a 8 year cycle, according Natura2000 common practices. try imagine Waddenzee/Wattenmer without a Natura2000 map. In science we test our hypotheses on reality Karl Popper learned the world. In Estonia we still eat seals and never count them. Still it’s a Green paradise with an old Hanze town.

The research description of S&P falsely tells that the natura2000 database is up-to-date. quote”Natura hindamine (Natura 2000 aladele avalduvate mõjude hindamine) toimub KMH protsessi käigus. Hindamise aluseks on Natura standardandmebaas, ajakohane keskkonnaregistri andmebaas, EELIS infosüsteem. https://www.jaagupi.eu/18_Natura%20hindamise%20l%C3%A4hte%C3%BClesanne.docx
The Habitats and Birds Directives aim to protect Europe´s biodiversity, including selected marine species and habitats. According to these Directives, Member States have to monitor and report to the European Commission a range of parameters, among them the distribution of the different species and habitats using the EEA 10 km grid. Afterwards, the European Environment Agency (supported by its European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity) compiles this information and makes it available under the Article 17 web page (for the Habitats Directive) and Article 12 web page (for the Birds Directive). The maps are also made available through the Natura 2000 Network viewer and from EUNIS.
Pärnu lahe natura200 Bird directive SiteCode: EE0040346 demands to research the following birds:
Gavia stellata, Fulmarus glacialis, Calonectris diomedea borealis, Oceanodroma leucorhoa,Morus bassanus, Cygnus olor
,Cygnus cygnus, Anser anser, Branta canadensis, Branta leucopsis, Tadorna tadorna, Anas penelope, Anas clypeata. Aythya ferina, Aythya, fuligula, Aythya marila, Somateria mollissima, Clangula hyemalis, Bucephala clangula, Mergus serrator, Haliaeetus albicilla, Haematopus ostralegus, Recurvirostra avosetta, Charadrius hiaticula, Pluvialis apricaria
As well as other Natura2000 species nearby influenced(Also x-border according EU guidelines)

“Guidance document on wind energy developments and EU nature legislation” is ignored! https://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/natura2000/management/docs/wind_farms_en.pdf
EU Guidance document on wind energy developments and EU nature legislation orders in Natura2000(Article 6(1) and 6(2)) centres on the conservation andmanagement of all Natura 2000 sites at all times. (source:https://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/natura2000/management/docs/wind_farms_en.pdf)
The second type (Article 6(3) and 6(4)) lays down an
assessment and permitting procedure for plans or projects likely to have significant negative effects on Natura
2000 sites.

Natura2000 regional Step by step research & development demanded.
Quote: Assessments on a case-by-case basis. Article 6(3) and (4) (see Box 2-1) sets out a step-bystep assessment and permitting procedure to follow when considering plans or projects that could affect one or more Natura2000 sites. This procedure is applicable not only to plans or a projects within a Natura 2000 site,but also to plans located outside but with a significant potential effect within a site.
Do mention the natura2000 stages in your research.

Most of the Liivi bay seabottum is unscanned.
The scan planned is insufficient to find all explosives and chemical dumb.
As well as historical values.
You cannot put a 300 meter high concrete pillar on top of a recognised grave. Even when it was your sworn enemy or friend. Estonia her modern existence is based upon sea, shipping and fishing. Major coastal towns are Hanze towns. Respecting culture means respecting graves. A sunken ship is seen as a coffin. At the end of WW2 almost the Northern German army fought her last battles on the ancient trading routes. Even most violent soldier need rest. Estonian has been robbed of it cultural heritage often, if something is left it is exactly where some want to put a windmill on-top. Au!
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea has been adopted by 167 countries[b] (one of them is Estonia! ) and the European Union, and disputes are resolved at the ITLOS tribunal in Hamburg. Estonians are not even allowed to go to their MS Estonia after it was hit by a Swedish submarine. A new documentary claims Estonia ferry has hole in wreck after going to the graveyard site. The makes of the documentary were charged violating seaman grave MS Estonia. We call upon people who know Germans lost in WW2 to report to us. We like to protect all men lost. Wehope to find something like a helmet on the bottom of the Livonia sea.
Please contact us if you know family of victims of seaman’s graves or historic events like the German forces of Army Group North or the Estonian who joined the German forces. Either lost in the “Great escape over two seas” or one of the viking battles is just as well a reason for further underwater research and protection. We like to ask court seaman’s grave search and protection before Estonian Energy & government ends their final rest.
https://www.jaagupi.eu/19_kliimamuutustele avalduvate mõjude lähteülesanne.docx
Cables effects ignored. Cables act like ELECTRICAL fences for bottom fish migration. Longer sea Cables cost more than the windfarms in Estonia.
All EU guides and rules on cabling are ignored.
Although the exact needed capacity is in a uncertain planning stage for Cabling special bypass of planning is requested. Many of our letters to all ministries & participants are ignored by all. http://www.jaagupi.eu/LIIVI_LAHE_ERIPLANEERING_21dec2021.pdf
RESEARCH(Published: 17 July 2021)
Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) from Submarine Power Cables Can Trigger Strength-Dependent Behavioural and Physiological Responses in Edible Crab, Cancer pagurus (L.). EMF effects on animals like seals and bat’s are acknowledged by Estonia. Although this international research has been skipped.
Cable installations are trading-off environmental impact against fire safety performance. Disposal and recycling of end-of-life cable plans must be included. Quality limits must be set by the government to prevent cheap easy solutions that harm the people.
Mitigating environmental impacts is especially relevant for buildings and infrastructure which is required to operate continuously. Maintaining the quality of cable product becomes more challenging when services are required around the clock.
Cabling&foundation are the major part of coast & environmental risk of a wind-farm and must be included. EU recommends deep seaa floating windfarms. Concrete foundations are just too environmental riskfull/costly. Liivi bay projects are outdated. Liivi bay is seafloor is largely unscanned!(cables/chemicals/sea life(historical)wrecks. AHIS (avalik HIS) (vta.ee)

EU standard practices are not valid in Estonia. A professor from Bergen in Norway wrote a famous research article ot SSRN.COM end 2020: Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui University of Bergen, Faculty of Law Date Written: October 29, 2020.
Windmill parks closer than 120 km to people are not accepted in the EU anymore. Floating wind-farms are the new normal fitting new economic and ecological minimal standards.
The Norwegian top professor names all major wind parks and compares them. Nowhere in the EU the windmill parks are planned like in Estonian now. Windmills also cannot stand on the seafloor, they must float. The seafloor vibration kill marine life. He compared all large windmill parks. What happens in Estonia is exceptional in the EU. Just take a look at the EU wind park map yourself
Natura200 Bird directivedemands to research that is not planned.
Planned research on birds is incomplete in many ways. https://www.jaagupi.eu/6_linnustik.docx
Pärnu lahe natura200 Bird directive SiteCode: EE0040346,Pärnu bay, demands to research the following birds:
Gavia stellata, Fulmarus glacialis, Calonectris diomedea borealis, Oceanodroma leucorhoa,Morus bassanus, Cygnus olor
,Cygnus cygnus, Anser anser, Branta canadensis, Branta leucopsis, Tadorna tadorna, Anas penelope, Anas clypeata. Aythya ferina, Aythya, fuligula, Aythya marila, Somateria mollissima, Clangula hyemalis, Bucephala clangula, Mergus serrator, Haliaeetus albicilla, Haematopus ostralegus, Recurvirostra avosetta, Charadrius hiaticula, Pluvialis apricaria
As well as other Natura2000 species nearby influenced(Also x-border according EU guidelines)

“Guidance document on wind energy developments and EU nature legislation” on birds is ignored. Entire EUNature2000 maps non-existent(white) for the entire foodchain. https://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/natura2000/management/docs/wind_farms_en.pdf
It’s only a bird study. Seals and their entire foodchain are not counted. Birds are part of that ecosystem that must be incluided for all scenario’s The wind farm permit
Research is old and limited “2006 Summary Report of the Preliminary Survey of Birds in the Kihnu Offshore Wind Farm”
Wind& sea current are not examined.
Massive wind parks stop the wind. Concrete foundations of the windmills block the water flow as well. The entire wind/water-flow has not been simulated properly with right data, right models and complete assumptions.
Wind data form Vijandi/Parnu harbour are not valid. https://www.jaagupi.eu/13_turbulents.docx. Estonia Energy measured the wind at in a few windy months and multiplied by 4 for the annual result. place hight/time of the wind measurement matters. Windshaddows of other wind farms matter too. The height/amount of windmills is not given in the (therefore invalid)permit.
Tabel 1. “Tuulepargi alternatiivid tuulegeneraatorite võimusest lähtuvalt” does not specify the type of windmill(blade) needed to research wind effects and audio effects. The wind-farm positioning is relevant too. The Parnu permit is not valid and not workable. The competent authority must set standards for each KMH. Standards must be properly be substantiated for the specific KMH. Need a thorough environmental assessment is needed Actual measurements and real research are needed for a specific wind farm. acting unlawfully justify a claim because of improper governmental management. See other posts or the link to your language version of the EU law. eesti Keel, Euroopa Liidu Kohus PRESSITEADE nr 77/20 Luxembourg, 25. juuni 2020 Kohtuotsus (kohtuasi C-24/19).
UK-based power company SSE stated that its renewable assets produced 32% less power than expected. One year wind measurement is not representative.
New research to include Obstacle and barrier effect.Open Access Research Article, Published: 20 September 2019
Wind-Turbine and Wind-Farm Flows: A ReviewFernando Porté-Agel, Majid Bastankhah & Sina Shamsoddin
Boundary-Layer Meteorology volume 174, pages1–59 (2020)https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10546-019-00473-0/
Also:“Evaluation of the potential for wake steering for U.S. land-based wind power plants” is authored by D. Bensason, E. Simley, O. Roberts, P. Fleming, M. Debnath, J. King, C. Bay and R. Mudafort, 18 May 2021, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy.
DOI: 10.1063/5.0039325
Naljakas: pole aimugi, kuidas tuul töötab.;-)/ Tuule põhitõed

New sciences Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,ORhttps://www.theguardian.com/news/2021/jul/27/weatherwatch-research-finds-optimal-size-for-windfarms
Please study the EU guidelines step-by-step integral procedure. Please Use EU satellite data to see there is no wind like on the North-sea. EU guidelines mention the wind/moist effects on parish farmland/natura2000 area’s as well. Funny that Liivi bay is seafloor is largely unscanned! AHIS (avalik HIS) (vta.ee)
It’s an EU joke of you see the academic research&guidelines ignored and OÜ Elustik: Oliver Kaldan&Rauno Kalda that work for the agency supposed to do the high-tech research. S&P founder is doing the military grade infra sound “research” by his ordinary sound company to bypass the international science that already did proof the dangers/risks. The bad defined research is paid by public finds.

The finance Minster defends at point 2 in their letter Registreerimise kuupäev: 07.01.2022& Registreerimise number: 15-1/8753-2. claims that they have done some research that proofs it’s safe. We dispute their data based on verifiable open global acknowledged research based on EU standards the finance Minster ignores. Wind shadows effects of more wind-farms are not discussed. Sea current research has been ignored too as well as many related topics we brought up and the entire EU wind farm guidelines on this topic. EU court ruled. (Euroopa Liidu Kohus PRESSITEADE nr 77/20) that local wind/current data is needed, not the energy company owned forecast model quoted. Also at point 4 of this letter(BlueWise) it goes wrong. Science demands real measurements and not a (beta-version) back-box reality. We couldn’t even enter our activities. Real data like the EU Aeolus wind satellite measurement mission are bypassed. Please see that you cannot copy a windfarm idea from the windy North Sea to the far less windy Baltic’s. Also ignored is the NEW EU floating wind-farms strategy because wind-farms in shallow waters are not accepted. Quote”The Commission aims to complement this with 40 GW of ocean energy and other emerging technologies such as floating wind and solar by 2050.( https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_20_2096 ) Estonia is behind because science is not open connected. Although disputed at 3 we quote many research ignored. We quote Tartu University explaining open science isn’t there. We show a complete appendix with disputed science.
Estonia doesn’t innovate with windfarms. Only keeps the old North Sea carbon industry alive needed for the concrete foundations.
Infra sound/vibration research.
Major acoustic research left out.
The bat research planned is irrelevant by new international research that proof many animals get harmed.
There is new proof that ultrasound harms humans.( Applied Acoustics, 2021; 183: 108286) Many other sea life not researched too.
Phuc D. Nguyen, Kristy L. Hansen, Bastien Lechat, Peter Catcheside, Branko Zajamsek, Colin H. Hansen. Benchmark characterisation and automated detection of wind farm noise amplitude modulation. Applied Acoustics, 2021; 183: 108286 DOI: 10.1016/j.apacoust.2021.108286Phuc D. Nguyen, Kristy L. Hansen, Peter Catcheside, Colin H. Hansen, Branko Zajamsek. Long-term quantification and characterisation of wind farm noise amplitude modulation. Measurement, 2021; 182: 109678 DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2021.109678
Article Simon P. Gaultier, Anna S. Blomberg, Asko Ijäs, Ville Vasko, Eero J. Vesterinen, Jon E. Brommer, Thomas M. Lilley. Bats and Wind Farms: The Role and Importance of the Baltic Sea Countries in the European Context of Power Transition and Biodiversity Conservation. This new research is left out!
The 300 Meter high windmills generate weapon-grade frequency. Take the wingspan to calculate the 1 to 7 Hertz generated. The speed of sound we all know. Of course, you should NOT do research for a planned 300 Meter windmill with a 50 Meter windmill with shorter wings of 50 meters, like the research done above on Bats. Basic middle school calculation can prove that Killer Mills are real. Read more on sound weapons in use for decades.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonic_weapon
Also the World Health Organization has declared that wind turbine noise is a serious health hazard, now German research gets to the heart of the matter. Delingpole: Wind Turbines Can Harm Heart, Says German Professor Breitbart James Delingpole 1 November 2018 Wind turbines are terrible for the health of the millions of birds and bats.
Clearly Ultrasound harms bats is already proven by international research. S&P founder uses did setup an “audio” company to do the military grade research.
The Estonian wind-farm economics.
Seaplanning is not done according this agreed flow/timeline. Our letter: http://www.jaagupi.eu/LIIVI_LAHE_ERIPLANEERING_21dec2021.pdf shows the flow of the state advisory brochure(Made with Dutch governmental support), that is not applied in Estonia.

The wind farm business in Estonia works simple this way. Energy companies go directly to the local government and offer them “compensation”. Without research or any specification. Hence the real cost or damage to the parish is unknown. When the bribe is done, limited “research” as possible is done by “own” people. All activities/permits are sold. Subsidisation and eternal searights are the values traded. There were virtual unlimited requests for cabling&wind-farms in 2020. The parishes returned all to the state in this letter. http://atp.amphora.ee/haademeestevv/index.aspx?itm=105563
There is even a new Estonian law is pending on compensation. Offering correct compensation without examining the real cost is uneconomic(against art.5. of the Estonian constitution). Planning is is done to promote more desirable social and environmental outcomes as well as a more efficient use of resources. Therefore research must be done first!
The EU wind-farm guideline demands an in step-by-step integral approach. The EU guideline on wind-farm research is ignored. The Estonian state energy advisory Ponders consult uses a 10 year approach a timeline all over the world. Estonia believes can do 10 times faster.
Wind-farm economic calculations are entirely missing.
The question why does S&P measure wind must be answered. The obvious answer is to calculate if wind-farms are worthwhile. First we see they cheat. Looking further the entire economic analyses is missing. The amount/height and how many windfarms (that windshaddow another) is unknown. Maintenance due to sea ice is not calculated. All works are outsourced and cost are uncontrollable. Decommissioning is not calculated. Obscure wind-farm companies give no guarantees. It’s obvious that the only income that matters is subsidisation, that poof the activity is uneconomic. Art 5. of the Estonian constitution demands economic viable plans. This economic calculation is cheated. From soviet times we know that uneconomic supply pushed plans are never Green. That’s why Russians bought a share of Saaremaa wind. The new Green is the old red.
Opportunity cost are ignored. Ist/soll models absent. Fisheries are ignored. The European Parliament has made a strong statement and support for cooperation and proper involvement of fishermen in the planning and design of offshore wind farms. A precondition for co-existence and multi-use of fisheries within OFWs. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/A-8-2019-0017_EN.html The effects of endless bad leaded to a runaway economy. No investment is possible (or happening) in the Liivi bay under the eternal corrupt planning regime. Smart people leave statistics show.
The paper, published in the journal Nature Energy, is entitled: “Reframing incentives for climate policy action.” shows more economic dangers not calculated.
Jean-Francois Mercure, Reframing incentives for climate policy action, Nature Energy (2021). DOI: 10.1038/s41560-021-00934-2. www.nature.com/articles/s41560-021-00934-2Journal information:Nature Energy
Noncompetitive exporters (Like Estonia Shale oil, the US, Canada, Russia) would be unable to compete on price in this flooded market, suffering a double blow from declining demand and low oil and gas prices.
Economic diversification away from fossil fuels is complex but necessary to protect economies from the volatility that usually occurs at the end of a technological era. Now all the risks are pushed forward.
Young developing countries face the largest challenges to insert themselves into the low-carbon technology supply chain.
The bad planning caused uncertainty and damage in other industries.
All investments in tourism and fisheries stopped. A dependent runaway parish is created. The core EU principles of free open markets and shared properties and values are harmed. People voted against government exploitation and the EU.
S&P work misses reliable measurement data needed. Use old models. Models and research to a minimum. S&P’s purpose is to “research” the very limited effects of a very very limited amount of very small windmills with old data to conclude that many large wind farms don’t harm.
Proper planning should include (opportunity) costs of fisheries, ferries and tourism. Planning is an economic activity to optimise the land & sea use.
A Estonian national energy(security) debate&evaluation is entirely missing.
The research should fit the national energy goals. You cannot copy a windmill idea from windy west Europe to Icy, less windy Northeast Europe. A proper feasibility study (not done) would show. Economic cable infrastructure is missing. National (energy) security is at risk. After our remarks the government made a risk matrix last week. Energy (price) crises are a danger. War is imminent. Russia has no (energy) income. We saw that (parish) governments without income act bad. All Europe wars started after energy/resource/ price crises. Greenflation is 8%, that’s more than many people/governments can pay.
Wind& sea current are not examined. The eco system are not even mapped.
Massive wind parks stop the wind. Concrete foundations of the windmills block the water flow as well. The wind/waterflow has not been simulated. Throughout the industry floating windfarms are seen as the solution. Pondera Consult who advices EG now builds thoose parks elsewhere, like in Taiwan&Europe. Liivi Bay gets uneconomic windfarms with unkown ecological risks.
Here is an example of current algae density as example. The food-chain collapses. The tourism and fishery dependent parishes loose their major income/industries.

Conclusion and consequences.
Enefit Green is under strict supervision of EU stock exchange laws. The failed planning procedures are at the core of the Enefit Green stock Exchange prospectus. https://enefitgreen.ee/.resources/green/webresources/assets/pdf/Prospekt_EST.pdf The facts described are not matching the EU prospectus law: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=celex:32017R1129 Combine our facts to the prospectus & laws makes clear that the risks are not represented correctly. Investors can ask their investments back. The Estonian bank already warned not to invest.

The economic feasibility for wind-farms has never been researched properly. Windfarms that are driven by subsidisation and grabbing licences is not a sustainable business model. EG did not warn for the expected research delays as they should. The research given by S&P repeatedly puts all on the wrong leg, like in the wind research setup. https://www.jaagupi.eu/13_turbulents.docx Pointing at known empty Natura2000 maps is bad. Good faith in research driven green policies are lost.
Appendix draft police report 1.
Tuulepargi kõrgusega eksitamine näitab elavalt, kuidas Enefit Green/EE & Skepast Puhkim kasumi teenimise nimel petavavad.Kriminaalmenetluse seadustik. Politsei aruanne.
Appendix draft police report 2.
Jaagupi sadama konkurss on energia korruptsioon. email 20.01.2022.
Tuulepargi kõrgusega eksitamine näitab elavalt, kuidas Enefit Green/EE & Skepast Puhkim kasumi teenimise nimel petavavad.Kriminaalmenetluse seadustik. Politsei aruanne.