Research data collected with the support of public funding are freely accessible and re-usable to all, if not restricted by legal requirements.
In Estonia there is no Full OpenScience. Many Scientistes are paid by Estonian Energy. Tartu University ONLY Encourage open access. The butcher tests his own meat.
The result is that data is filtered and not verifible. In case of the planned Haademeeste windmill farm we know that wind data was gathered over ONLY 3 windy months instead of all 12 months.
Because of this scam we reject all science that is not open science and demand permits and regulation of closed science in our area. Paid science made by adversaries is only beneficial for those who pay. It’s a scandal that those researchers are using public funds to harm the public. Research in our parish should be monitored and certified. Secret research Estonian Energy “research” scares people off course. All measurement devices should be removed until it’s sure they are there for the benefit of the Estonian people.
A result of filtering data is that Estonia is left out of EU maps and Natural reserves. Estonians just do not report seals here for example.
Please take a look at how Estonians are given an industrial role and the others make nice natural reserves for themselves. All based on fake science. All fish egg data is LEFT OUT on this EU map of the Helcom EU project.
Our coastal line is just as beatifull as EU protected area’s. Please ask the seals! They prefer our waters.
EU demands that all deciscions are based upon Sciense. Problem is that the Science is paid and fake. EU policies are based on this for policy
Universeties Admit they do not have Open Science:
We have a 2 step error:
1. No open science we can check
2. Deciscions must be made on science that is not there!
The objective of Open Science is to make research open, global, creative, and cooperation-based by using modern e-infrastructures.
Main principles of Open Science:
- Open Access: research results are made accessible free of charge
- Open Data: the data collected during research which are made accessible by Open Access
- Open Source: using of open source soft- and hardware
- Open Methodology: sharing information about the methods, tools, and analyses used in research
- Open Peer Review: quality of research is ensured by a transparent and traceable reviewing process
- Open Education: research-based and freely shared knowledge
The legal consequence of manipulating data is the loss of trust and good faith and the reversal of a load of evidence.
It’s not the people that must proof that windmills harm, but EE must proof that they are safe under ALL cirumstances.
Good faith means not honest. Then the judge feels cheated too and sees all evidence different. Trust in parties is the most central topic in law. Cheating Science is regarded as a sin for scientists. Any judge will tell to Estonia Energy that now it’s their turn to prove that windmills are safe under any circumstance. Giving them a huge load of evidence. How can you prove that you are NOT guilty? Normal is that you are unguilty until proven guilty. Once you lie the judge believes you always lie.
When someone did not act in good faith if they did not act reasonably and knew their was no reasonable basis for their actions. For example, an insurance company misrepresenting the terms of their policy would be acting without good faith with intent.
Avatud teaduse (Open Science) eesmärk on muuta teadusuuringud avatuks, loovaks ning koostööl põhinevaks, kasutades tänapäevaseid info- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia võimalusi.Esmajoones tähistab avatud teaduse mõiste vaba juurdepääsu teaduspublikatsioonidele ja teadusandmetele, kuid selle alla kuulub ka avatud lähtekood (kasutatakse avatud lähtekoodiga tarkvara), avatud metodoloogia (jagatakse infot teadusuuringu läbiviimisel kasutatud meetodite, vahendite ja analüüsi kohta) ning avatud eelretsenseerimine (kvaliteet tagatakse läbipaistva ja jälgitava eelhindamise protsessiga).Avatud teaduse kontseptsioon muudab teadusuuringud efektiivsemaks ja läbipaistvamaks, suurendab koostööd teadlaste ja teadusvaldkondade vahel, soodustab innovatsiooni ning on seega kasulik ühiskonnale.Eestis puudub hetkel avatud teaduse poliitika, kuid hetkel on koostamisel Eesti avatud teaduse raamistik, mis on Eesti teaduse, arendustegevuse, innovatsiooni ja ettevõtluse arengukava 2021–2035 (TAIE) üks lisadest. Käesolev raamistik lähtub 2016. aastal Eesti Teadusagentuuri loodud avatud teaduse ekspertkomisjoni ning RITA programmi raames läbiviidud kahe uuringu ning Euroopa Komisjoni ja OECD soovitustest. Aktiivselt tegelevad Eestis avatud teaduse põhimõtete tutvustamisega ülikoolide teadusraamatukogud ning DataCite Eesti konsortsium.