When given the choice, no rational human being would ever welcome giant industrial wind turbines in their community, let alone agree to have these things speared quite literally into their backyards. Even farmers paid $millions to host them, hate the grinding thumping cacophony they produce: SA Farmers Paid $1 Million to Host 19 Turbines Tell Senate they “Would Never Do it Again” due to “Unbearable” Sleep-Destroying Noise
Thousands of Germans are being driven mad by practically incessant, turbine generated low-frequency noise and infra-sound, and are fighting back with a fury and energy which has rattled the wind industry. There are now hundreds of anti-wind industry groups across Germany. And many of those groups and individuals have launched litigation against developers and government to either prevent wind farms from being built, or to seek substantial financial compensation for the loss of the use and enjoyment of their homes.
A full-scale revolt by rural folk sick and tired of being forced to live with these things is one of the reasons for the rapid and staggering collapse in new wind farm construction in Germany.
The other is that subsidies have been slashed, wrecking the business model of wind turbine and solar panel manufacturers (as well as the parasites that feed on those subsidies). Tens of thousands of their workers have been sacked and numerous operators have filed for bankruptcy: Wind Power Investment Collapses as Germany’s Wind Industry Faces Total Armageddon
But, at the moment, it seems that it’s grassroots action that’s bringing the wind industry to a standstill across Germany.