The turbulence of a small windmill looks like this. Please review this top Springer research! The damage is clear. No sailing ship can sail here (safe). Pärnu Hansapäevad or Hanze town can be forgotten. The ship on the local logo can get replaced! Estonia did put preserving her culture as a higher priority than building the windmill parks.
Turbulence changes moist/clouds and vegetation of farmers needs research. Migrating birds lose energy, detour, get lost & die.

More independent research must be done! The Parish Estonia Energy brochure gives to us by the (partly Russian owned!) builders vies that does not show the height of the windmills. They go for max/300M and that means exponential new figures. This means obstructing research. Therefore we must assume max height and current technology. Estonian Energy knows because no one gets any talk with an investor if you do not tell what you really build. So why Estonian Energy hides the windmill the want for us?! Probably the whole windmill park is a scam. Cabling is more costly than the windmill park. Power cables cost far more than windmills. On the other hand Windmills last only 15 years. It’s not logical to put such an expensive cable for a short-term wind park. Better build a short cheap cable to Tallinn, where the wind is twice as strong. Link Our president who worked for Estonian Energy and wants a job at the OECD probably has the European Supergrid in mind: Locals get nothing from this oversized plan. Unresponsible in times of Covid crisis. Our local population pays too much in this scheme. We depend on nature tourism and fishing. We cannot carry this EU scam project alone!
Estonian energy disrespects our local representation. Kaur Lass was the Häädemeeste invited speaker paid by Estonian Energy and according to his own website specialized in Brainwashing. ( He is partial and told that the Pärnu plan does not include enough windmills. It’s also interesting that he tells that planning in Estonian democracy is not working properly here. Kaur writes: Spatial plans influence the environment around us. The planned development should be sustainable, create co-operation and entrepreneurship possibilities as well as improve the quality of life. People are put on the wrong leg when investors think of cabling (that cost a lot more) and talk about windmills. People get fooled. That’s why they do not try to sell this project in Tallinn where the wind is twice strong.
New research is needed and demanded first. Estonian Energy is hiding from the duty to do proper research in time. and could have done so. Bird expert Mati Kose is paid by Estonian Energy too. his research is now made secret by Estonian Energy last work was on the vibration disturbing killing fish eggs and the migration corridor bird radar on Kihnu. We need to rely on foreign experts. Science has been compromised. The dimocratic dialog is at stake.
Trust and good faith have been lost and we will ask the court to turn around a load of evidence before the court. Proceeding in good faith is the core of any legal system. Democracy is getting undermined. Energy security is at stake by false narratives. It’s not the people who must research, but the energy company who must prove that the windmill turbulence damage is acceptable. Upfront and court-approved independent research tender funding guarantees paid upfront to locked accounts. Scientists paid by Estonian Energy must transfer their contracts to our independent foundation to guard a fair democratic dialog. The fact that Estonia Energy cheats us by NOT telling people what kind of windmill and wings they buy must be punished. Cheating and bribing cannot be accepted in front of any democracy hearing. Estonia Energy deeply disappointed all and better leaves the scene for now and comes back when their homework is done. Bribing asks for prosecution.