Põhjamaade uus dokumentaalsari „Varjusõda“ paljastab, kuidas Venemaa kaardistab Euroopa kriitilist taristut, vahendab dr.dk.
Salapärased plahvatused Nord Streami gaasijuhtmete juures. Saksamaa raudteesüsteem oli seletamatu süsteemivea tõttu rivist väljas. Šotimaa saartel kadus internet. Viimasel ajal on mitu Euroopa riiki kogenud kriitilise taristu häireid, mida võib pidada ka saboteerimiseks.
Uus Põhjamaade dokumentaalsari „Varjusõda“ näitab, kuidas Venemaa kasutab näiteks mereväe allveelaevu ja -droone ning ka tavalisi kauba- ja kalalaevu selleks, et saboteerida Euroopa interneti-, elektri-, gaasi- ja muu kriitilise taristu kaabl
Venemaa võttis sihikule infrastruktuuri, tuuleparkide. Eesti ei oska ehitada.
NATO: Tuulepargid ja kaablid on liiga haavatavad. Blokeeri radar. Läänemeri on NATO meri.
Põhjamere avamere tuulepargi juurest avastati Vene laev, mis üritas kaardistada energiataristut, ütles MIVD juht kindral Jan Swillens pressikonverentsil.
A Russian ship has been detected at an offshore wind farm in the North Sea as it tried to map out energy infrastructure, MIVD head General Jan Swillens said at a news conference.
Russia targets Netherlands’ North Sea infrastructure, says Dutch intelligence agency
Russia had instigated “activities that indicate espionage as well as preparing operations for disturbance and sabotage” of underwater cables, wind farms and gas pipelines in the North Sea, said a report published by the Dutch military intelligence unit MIVD on Monday. General Jan Swillens, head of MIVD, said at a news conference that a ship had been detected attempting to map energy infrastructure in the North Sea in recent months but that the ship had been unsuccessful as it was escorted away by the Dutch navy and coastguard.
Norway gave a similar warning last week as part of an annual security assessment. Oslo’s policy security service PST said that while it was “unlikely” Norwegian assets would be sabotaged this year, it could happen if Moscow decided to escalate the conflict in Ukraine. It considered “the petroleum sector to be a particularly vulnerable target”, it said. Last autumn, Norway increased the level of alert for its armed forces following the alleged sabotage of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines. The lines, which were once capable of carrying Russian gas to Europe, were largely destroyed by explosions in September.